Monday, November 8, 2010

Throwing With Your Left Hand

A certain study says that 70% to 90% of the world is right handed. Noted. I personally think left handed people are smarter. That last comment has nothing to do with this blog. I'll get to the hand thing in a sec.

Now I truly feel that doing things that make you nervous will make you a better, more rounded person. Definitely, you should still stick with your best assets and do what comes naturally to you, but there are always unforseen benefits in actions that get you out of your comfort zone.

Take for example when you see (or saw depending on your marital status) an attractive human being of the opposite sex. Is it nerve racking to go talk to them? Yes. Does it show confidence? Yes. Is confidence in moderation a good quality? Si. Bueno. I bet Christopher Columbus was a little nervous about floating west, but I think that one worked out for us.....

(Huge side note, I think that when Christopher Columbus intially found land is kind of how dating works. I mean he came upon a nice island, current day Bahamas, and that must have been very comfortable. Beach side view, no neighbors, plentiful resources...etc. He could have settled and lived very happily there. But he didn't. He knew there was something much better out there that would one day be called Merica. Don't settle for your first decent island just because it's comfortable, go a little futher west. Hah. Thats ridiculous.)

Simply what I am suggesting is to challenge yourself to do something a little positively awkward this week. Maybe it's going up to that good lookin' lassie at the coffee shop or maybe simply starting a new healthy habit in your life. Either way, a little personal growth never hurt anyone. Sure it will be a little uncomfortable, but so was the first time you threw a ball. And remember how the more you practiced throwing, the more of a great thing it was? This new found nervousness can be like learning to throw with your left hand (blog title anyone?) Boom.

New in my life: Only boring people get bored. Ambition + friends + hobbies = speed of your lifestyle. If someone ever says they are bored, I know they are lacking in 1 of those 3 areas. If you have enough friends, you'll always have something to do or somewhere to go. If you don't have any friends, you can be really good at scrapbooking or collecting coins (both avid hobbies of mine). But if you have zero ambition, there is a higher likelihood you don't have friends or hobbies. You're bored.

Keep Smilin'