Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Personal Guesstimation

We all know the best way to catch a frog is by shining a light in it's eyes, and then sneaking up on it.  Common knowledge.  In fact, pythons will stretch themselves out next to it's soon to be prey just to size themselves up against their dietary colleague.  I hate snakes. You following yet?

Now I'm not worried about what I am going to teach my kids someday.  That's still a minute or two away.  But I know something that every kid should have ingrained in them at some point is proper self evaluation.  I'm a big fan of self evaluation.  It goes back to the whole concept of growing as a person.  Because we all know, if you're not growing, you're dying <-- cliche.

Proper self evaluation is a tricky thing though.  Mainly because there are popular categories where it's extremely easy to size yourself up on this totem pole life we have.  The biggest one is what drives most of the world.  Money. How much income you have.  That in turn reflects what flavor of car you drive and the kind of clothes you wear.  And as we get older that translates into how big your house is, what school your kids go to, and how big of a trampoline you bought your offspring.

Level of income is the most common form of comparing ourselves to the people we surround ourselves with. Some people turn that comparison into jealousy.  Other people use it as positive motivation.  Either way is not my point.  My point is our self evaluation shouldn't be based upon what we have but rather what we give back to others.  I'm not speaking of feeding the homeless or contributing to our church. Don't get me wrong,  those are great things to do.  But what I am referring to is that when you wake up every day you should be focusing on making life better for the people you deal with rather than gathering up more acorns for your winter stash.

The concept is your self evaluation shouldn't be based on your possessions but simply how you treat other human beings in your day to day actions.  This concept is actually pretty simple to use.  Here's a few appetizers: hold the door for people, smile, make an effort to listen, compliment someone you don't like. Yep. Just saying, you shouldn't  worry about holding a candle to yourself, instead check the batteries in the flashlight your pointing at others (shining light at frogs concept...a bit of a stretch, I know). 

In Merica, everyone's entitled to their opinions.  This is mine.  Feel free to share yours.  

New in my life: In celebration of Black History Month, I'm moving to East Nashville.  I'm focusing more these days.  AM Radio isn't a choice, it's a lifestyle.

Keep smiling'