Sunday, July 13, 2014

Formulas are for Chemistry and Babies

I was driving to work the other day and a guy was riding in the back of a pickup accompanied by a pressure washer. My first thought was "My life isn't so bad" then I thought "There's a lot of pressure that comes along with that guy's job." Puns are fun. But that Ford Ranger I just explained prevented me from merging and I had to take the exit and use an alternate route to work.

So much of our life is habitual.  And thank goodness. Our body breathes without effort. Our brain subconsciously remembers things to make our existence more efficient. That's one of the main reasons monkeys are our closest competitor on the intelligence food chain.

They say you switch your major an average of 5 times in college. If you ask me to cite my sources on that stat, I'll probably ask you to go play in traffic. Sources are for the birds. Anyways, that numeric fact makes  it seem like we are figuring out our game plan in our collegiate years. Which generally is true. But how many of people do you know aren't even using that piece of paper that costed thousands of dollars? I'm raising my hand right now. Just because you get a degree or are familiar with a certain field, shouldn't deter you from making moves. Schedules and habits are great and they make life easier, but they shouldn't be your lifeline. Be spontaneous with your actions.

And I'm not talking about irresponsible spontaneity. You shouldn't quit your job because you had a bad day. What I am saying is don't let your education limit your actions. If you have a passion, go for it. Whether or not you spent 4 years becoming a Jedi in it is a distracting detail. If you have something you can't go a day without thinking about, make that a priority. You'll be a happier soul.

I don't need to divulge too much on this. It's really more of a public service announcement. Just be aware of the myth that a degree is needed. Of course in certain fields it is, but a majority of the things you want to accomplish can be done without prior experience. Passion trumps education. If you're passionate enough about it, the learning will come naturally. Whether it's starting a business or building that kitchen table, go for it. You'll learn along the way.

So to digress, there's a million different ways to get where you're going. Whether it's your career or a trip to Target. Take an alternate route. They're usually more fun and you'll learn a few things along the way. Yep.

New in my life: Lee Brice sang a song called "Happy Endings." It ended up being a large stray cat on the boat ramp.  People who like your skeleton don't care how big your muscles are.

Keep on smilin'