Monday, September 29, 2014

Chatty Kathy Lives in the Mountains

It's funny to think how cave men picked up chicks. What's ironic is they probably swooned their lady friends at their local watering hole, which is a social tradition the romantically hopefully carry on today. Putting myself into the mindset of Cavewoman Jane, (which I do often) I would imagine she chose her mate based upon pretty simple characteristics. You see back then, I imagine the dating and mating process wasn't as complex. He made me a fire, I choose him. And through that picky selection process, Caveman Jane passed on the more intelligent genes. What's happened is we've become a much smarter and more efficient species over time. Or have we?

Studies have shown that our collective IQ has increased 3 points every decade since the 1930's.  And with that, our technology has followed suit.  So not only are we evolving into a wicked smart species, we can find out pretty much anything we need to know with our hand held computers. Cell phones have gone from being strictly a way to talk to each other, to a new form of entertainment, to keeping every piece of our schedule, to keeping us up to date with every communication channel in our life. And they really are neat.

It's a normal thing now to see an entire table of people all checking their phones at the same time and no one talking to each other. It's so easy to hate on this kind of thing. I don't though. I believe it's part of us evolving as a breed. What I do fear is us losing our conversation fundamentals.  Communicating with each other will always be instinctual, but being good at corresponding comes only with practice.

Being attached at the hip to your cellular device is not a negative thing. But just be aware that the less you organically, face to face talk to humans, the less you're sharpening your people skills. I'm not a cliche user, but if you don't use it, you lose it right?

This is simply a public service announcement. Don't throw your phone into the Mississippi. Instead have a meal or conversation and try to enforce a no competition clause. What I mean is when someone is talking to you, avoid making them feel like they are competing with your phone for attention. Let me know how it goes.

New in my life: Constantly is neato. Sometimes timing isn't a b*$#@. I've got a watch, but I ain't got the time.  Happiness begins 20 feet up.

Keep smilin'