Sunday, November 23, 2014

Large Cats Change Lives

The goat animal as we all know will pretty much eat anything. There are over 210 different breeds of goat and an estimated 450 million populate this earth. And not one of them gives a damn.

I was talking with an older gentleman the other day and he told me there is a point in a man's life when you start to only reminisce on life. You only look back on things that have happened. You stop talking about the present and the future. The reason for this is as a human ages, they eventually realize there are more happy moments in their past than what lie ahead of them. Depressing but good food for thought.

This brief but thought engaging conversation further solidified my belief that you should do what you want. Whatever you enjoy doing, simply do it. Now I'm not naive, I realize that not everyone reading this is the 28 year old, single, self sufficient type. A lot of you aren't in the situation where you can be 90% selfish with your resources. You probably have responsibilities in your world. Kids, job, bills to pay....etc. We all have things to take care of. But the point I want to make is don't use those obligations as excuses for finding time to do the things that make you happy.

You have a schedule. Mentally and physically take time to slow down and inject activities that bring you joy. Maybe cooking a stress reliever. Take a couple hours Sunday night to try out that new casserole recipe. Whatever is your happy activity, do it.  Because when you have more grey hair than the other colors, and you naturally start looking back on things, you need to have a good resume. Everyday you have the opportunity to build up your positive memory insurance.

So don't give a damn. Forget all the reasons you can't do what you want to do. Be like your local goat. Whatever your #goatlife activity is, make the time and do it. No matter the flexibility of your schedule, there is always time to live the #goatlife.

New in my life: If someone suddenly tosses you a warm beverage, it's important to be Yeti. Nashville is just like Austin, but people in Nashville simply had stricter parents. Gravitate to people who gravitate to you.