Wednesday, December 3, 2014

So You Think You Can Prance?

I harp about self awareness often. Are you athletically challenged? Ever been less skilled than the average bear in sports? Good for you. Let's chat.

In high school, whether you made JV or Varsity was a big deal. It's a social status that becomes part of your identity for those 4 short years. And in the natural progression of puberty, by your senior year, you're on the varsity squad right? But I like the physical phenomenon that happens every blue moon, where a senior gets put on junior varsity team.

I love everything about deer hunting. I love being out in the woods, watching the sunrise and the world wake up slowly going from dead silence to the orchestra of birds and wind. The thrill of hunt followed by the venison jerky keeps me going back for more every year. The bittersweet feeling I have about this pastime though spurs from the fact I think I am really good at it. 

To stay on the positive train here, I'm not bad at hunting. I'm just not as good as the image I've created in my head. My expectation level is set very high, and I'm often left partially disappointed at the end of every season.  And to make sure you think I'm a good writer, in regards to hunting, I'm a senior in high school on the junior varsity team. I still enjoy the sport, but don't have the means to hang with the big dogs. And that is something we should all be comfortable with.

I firmly believe you get what you picture and would never suggest for someone to lower their standards when setting serious goals. But it's important to practice that self awareness in specific categories of your life. The struggle that a lot of perfectionists have is they can't admit that it's okay to be just good rather than great with certain actions.  Shooting for the moon is super, but if you know yourself well enough, the top of that mountain over there is the realistic option in parts of your life.

You don't have to sell yourself short, but just choose your battles efficiently. You may not have a letter jacket, but you'll be a more balanced earthling. Yep.

New in my life: A 6am trip to the gym can change your perspective on life. North America is better than South America. Seeing snow for the first time is neat.

Keep on smilin'
