Tuesday, July 28, 2015

You've Got Nice Eggs

I didn't learn how to make scrambled eggs until I was 26.  I'm not challenged in the culinary world, I just hadn't exposed myself to the combining of chicken placentas together over heat. 

I'm not sure if they are teaching this class in school, but I would love to be a professor for "How to socially fit in." People talk about bullying in schools a lot. I know it happens. Kids can be ruthless. I think addressing this topic could potentially ease that.

The subject matter wouldn't be what to wear or what jokes to say, it would be more so on what to do when you grow up to make yourself a more rounded person.

I've been fortunate in a sense that I've gotten to go quite a few cool places and meet some prominent people. I don't take that for granted. And when I meet someone I admire, I try to dissect what it is that draws me to their personality.

What I've found is the common denominator of these said admirable people is they have exposed themselves to a plethora of different experiences and people. Some of them have done it through travel and others through forcing themselves to interact with people who are quite different in personality. This gains them perspective which will keep their kids from getting put in a locker.

I'm a white 28 year old male.  I realize I could surround my daily activities and extracurriculars with people of the same demographic. But that would narrow my viewpoint. So I befriend the weirdos and go unfamiliar places.

Homework for this lesson: Get out of your comfort zone a bit and throw some muscle confusion in your common hobbies and social sphere. You'll be less of a square and more rounded human when looking back on life.

Lists will keep you organized in life but sometimes that you need that buyer's ADD to make sure you don't lose that appetite for adventure.

New in my life: It's that time to be quiet again. There's 49 days until bow season. Brownies can be good for you. Here in the real world.

Keep smilin'