Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Peanut Butter Needs the Jelly

I was signing up for a new insurance plan and the first question was "How old are you?" The succeeding question was "Are you single?" Internally I responded "Like a Pringle." That response doesn't make sense, it simply rhymes. I caught myself though with a slight feeling of embarrassment confirming I was in fact a rogue male.

Dissecting this transfer of information I wondered why on earth I would be embarrassed at the fact I am single. Was it the subliminal pressure from the hoards of baby pictures on social media? Or maybe it clicked that there's more meaning to weddings than free booze and the chicken dance? (Although those aren't bad priorities)

I don't care what religion you are. I've never been one to get all up in your business in that way. But I do feel that a belief in some form of higher power is crucial for those trivial times in life. I'm sure there are people that believe we are just organisms walking around reacting to things everyday for circa 81 years, but where's the fun in that? Personally, having hope that there is greater plan for each of us keeps me breathing easy and ambitious to make moves.

Our chemical make up is for companionship and biologically, the goal is to create offspring while we're here. So when I say congrats to someone who just had a baby, not only am I excited about the sleepless chapter they're about to begin, but also they're on great pace to finish the "Things to do While I'm a Human" checklist. And that's cool. Babies are fun.

What it really comes down to is comparison and what you believe success looks like. If you think that success equals a house full of babies and a white picket fence as soon as you can, then yeah, rolling solo with Netflix and wine will get depressing eventually. But if you're confident that everyone has their own plan, you won't be watching the hour glass as closely. Plus, once you hit 35 it's kosher to buy a chocolate lab and name him Hans Solo in replacement of a spouse. 

The interweb is littered with cliches on this subject, this is just my version of it. Whether you're single, married, divorced, etc. don't ever let comparison make you feel bad for the path you took in the pursuit of awesomeness. We've all got the same end of the road, just different routes to get there. Yep.

New in my life: I still dig Sponge Bob and black bean brownies. Mizzou football? Never heard of her.  I brake for cabins.

Keep smilin'
