Sunday, May 1, 2016

Zombies Always Wear Comfy Clothes

Johnny has 4 apples. Adam takes 2 and gives Johnny 3 oranges. How many apples does Johnny have now? That's where vertically challenged, 2nd grade Joe was wondering why Adam is such a punk and why does problem solving even matter?

Now, I go on problem solving adventures every weekend for an occupation. I haven't come across the Johnny/Adam fruit exchange that my childhood prepared me for, but trust me, I'm ready.

I was standing in only my underwear (boxer briefs if you must know) in the green room the other night before a show. I was trying to get the shower to get hot. Something was not working properly and a heavier set man from the venue walks into the room unannounced. Folks, that's as weird as this story gets, sorry.

I wasn't uncomfortable about my lack of garments and simply asked him if he knew how to fix my dilemma. He assessed and had no idea. He said he'd get somebody. After a few minutes, a new man from the venue enters the scene. I think he has come to solve the problem. Without looking at my issue he goes on to tell me he has no idea either, but to let him know if I need anything else. Problem solving Joe has a couple questions here: 1. Why did man #2 even show up? 2. Why would I ask him for more help in my near future? I took a luke-cold shower and happily went about my night.

In the said situation above, instead of getting frustrated with an unhelpful shower savior, I chalked it up as every person simply having a different sized mental capacity.  No offense to shower repairman Steve, in reality he probably is great at his job. Maybe he does security, maybe he serves drinks. And he might be great at it. Shower temperature just isn't his forte.

You ever get home from work and literally don't want to think about anything? That's probably why you don't cook as much as you'd like to. Or maybe that's why you aren't motivated for the gymnasium after a long day. It's also why TV and Netflix get their ratings. We'd rather someone come up non-mentally challenging programs to entertain us. To set the record, I'm not criticizing, I think pausing your brain function with the boob tube is relaxing and a necessity in moderation.

That mental exhaustion though, should be your goal everyday. Everyone has a different sized brain tanks. My challenge to you is to make sure yours is running on fumes at the end of each day. Read an unfamiliar book instead of your go-to reality shows. Cook a meal of food you've never tried before. Call up an old friend just to catch up. I don't know what your version of extra brain exercise looks like, but just make sure you're stretching your potential. You're smarter than you look. Grow that brain power. Learn about showers. Yep.

New in my life: Delivering furniture isn't a bad gig at all. Blueberry coffee contains no blueberries, but is the preferred drink by Jesus and America. Smallmouths go well with loudmouth soup.

Comments always welcomed.

Keep smilin'