Saturday, July 9, 2016

Stop and Smell the Sunrise

Growing up my parents rarely listened to the radio whilst driving. I didn't understand this. Why would you not want to listen to Cher or Queen or Nelly? I neither confirm or deny I enjoyed those artists as an adolescent. I didn't comprehend the silence then, but I'm starting to grasp why it was and is necessary.

There were a lot of things growing up that I didn't understand. Why do we have to floss? Why do mosquitos exist? Why do we go to church? How do you get the last of the peanut butter out of the jar without getting some on your hand? Some of the conundrums I've figured out. Some I haven't. So disclaimer that this could be one that I haven't.

There are a lot of people that say the generation of kids growing up currently just don't get it. How social media and technology have ruined them.  I feel like that is a very "Get off my lawn!" comment.  If you're one of the people that have said this, you should start talking constantly about the weather and enjoy your velcro shoes. Maybe you already do. Too mean? Nah.

Along with that, relating to politics, you always hear "You have a responsibility and right to vote" and "make a difference" and "you don't vote, you can't complain".  I think all of the governmental rhetoric is cyclical. It's been going on for years.  I say this as we are in the predicted time where many people's feathers are ruffled from the anticipated upcoming election. The reason I don't fancy the political scene is because there is often a lot of doom and gloom tied to it. Constantly hearing: "if _________ is elected, we're in big trouble." I humbly don't agree.

I've been decently independent through a couple of presidents tenure now, and my happiness level has stayed pretty consistent no matter who is residing in the presidential palace. I know there are issues that are affected by who is in office, but we have enough checks and balances where our world is not going to end because of an election.

I bet the Egyptian slaves were up in arms when they were trying to figure out which Pharoh to put in place next. I could be off on my historical facts there, but my point is, the political worry that precedes an election has been going on since we've had elections.

To clarify and summarize, I love America, cold beer, puppies, capitalism, flags and living here, but my personal happiness and success are not going to be determined by who's in the oval office. Work hard and have an award winning attitude and your little slice of life will be just fine.

New in my life: Hank Sr. only made it to 29. An ice cold beer in the summer time is my main food group. Jingle bells has to be the best Christmas song.

Keep smilin'