Friday, October 28, 2016

Sailboats are Better Than Submarines

Wake up, grind coffee beans, drink bean juice, make eggs, read book, bathe properly, let the day commence. I love days that start this way.

As humans we dig our schedules. Whether we know it or not, we are routined beings. Along with schedules, there is a large majority of us that are a big fan of rules. Parameters that we can adhere too. Now if you're a teenager, in your basement, mad at your dad, ignore this little part.  But for most of us, we enjoy having bumpers in place so our bowling ball lives head in the general right direction.

I think we have the chemical make up to embrace structure. If you look at ancient hierarchies that came before us, we have a history of supporting frameworks put in place by bigger fish on the food chain. Egyptians complied to the pharaoh of the generation. The ancient Chinese religiously believed what the emperor said, goes. And you look at corporate America today and we have this ladder people always walk and talk about.

I'm not immune to schedule, structure or routine. I like an extent.  What this PSA is about is not letting your job and duties trump your ability to be a human.

I travel a lot so I get to experience these situations more than I'd prefer. Scene: A large airline or hotel has a no-exception rule in place to encompass all situations brought to them. I'm all for running a tight ship, but what you lose when you play strictly by the book is the capacity of putting yourself in other people's shoes. I realize this bathroom is for employees only ma'am, but have you ever peed in your pants in public? Your hotel room is ready now, but your rule is customers can't check in until 3PM? Hmmmm.

I suppose when you boil this down to the raw materials, this is simply a reminder to live by the golden rule to treat people the way you'd want your mother to be treated. Don't feel bad about having a tight schedule or doing your job flawlessly, but don't let it lull you into losing understanding of each situation. We're all cut from similar cloth so act like it.

New in my life: It's great to save money, but every once in awhile go buy some new clothes. I'd like to make a habit of drinking coffee and Boulevard beer. In that order. November is a month to reflect 20ft up. My roommate's name is OC but he goes by Lee and he only kicks home runs.

Keep smilin'