Saturday, January 27, 2018

You'd Better have a Good Sense of Humor or a Bad Memory

Chicken Little: Listen to me, everybody! I’m your new leader! I’m gonna save your lives! I’m gonna tell you what to do!
Cocky Locky: Don’t listen to that pipsqueak. The sky isn’t falling.
Chicken Little: I tell ya it is too falling!
Cocky Locky: And I tell you it isn’t.
Chicken Little: Is too!
Cocky Locky: All right, if the sky is falling why doesn’t it hit me in the head?
(Foxy Loxy hits Cocky Locky with a piece of wood)
Hen: Chicken Little is right! What do we do? Oh, Chicken Little, you’ve got to help us!

We live in a time of chaos. You know who else did though? The Romans. The founding fathers did as well. And so did the people that lived in the 1970's. As did the humans that endured WWII. Okay, you get my point. Every generation has their own version of the world ending. As special and 'doom and gloom' the media would like us to think our current events are, life's not too shabby. 

I'm transitioning into a living situation without a tv and I couldn't be more excited about it. I try and stay off social media as well these days. When I do a cost-benefit analysis of living under a rock, my life financial sheets are still in the black. Sure there will be conversations where I don't know what actors people are talking about and there are some grandiose news stories that I'll have to catch up on when I'm talking to the outside world, but I'm quite okay with that. 

There's so much pressure these days to be social and to appear happy. We're driven by 'likes' and knowing what everyone is doing 24/7. It's quite addicting. I've fallen prey at times of being consumed by it.

I love having a piece of chocolate with my coffee. It's something I'm planning on carrying into my old age. I'm pumped to be a grandpa.  I also love a good piece of cheesecake or pie. These tasty luxuries fit well into celebratory moments, but especially as my gallbladder ages, I know these are empty calories and I can't survive on sugar alone. I need some meat and potatoes to keep me fueled. 

In all this rambling my point is that social media, sensational news and seeking affirmation from an app, are empty calories. They're fun and can be fun to talk about, but once you burn through them you're going to needs some values, morals and hobbies that make up the meat and potatoes of your personality. Yep. 

I know this can sound like a "get off my lawn" speech, but as I'm sitting listening to vinyl records and drinking an Old Fashion with my phone outside of my reach, I hope it's a small reminder for you to not get caught up in surface level happenings just because they're popular. Row your own boat. 

New in my life: You can run, but you can't Hyde, godchild 2.0 is here to take over the world. You name the babies, I'll name the dogs. My social sphere has been dieting. 

Keep smilin'