Saturday, March 14, 2020

Social Probiotics

There is a shortage of eggs and toilet paper right now. Who knew eggs had so much fiber in them?

One of my favorite things to do is grow my own spicy peppers, dehydrate them and then muddle them down to a homemade spice. Seeds included. Those are the personality of a pepper.

By inserting extra inflammatories into my body it adds unnecessary stress to my digestion of food. But life is too short to not add extra spice and extra guac. Plus, the heat makes me feel superior to my northern friends who have less hair on their arms.

I'm definitely not a gut-healthologist but simply by experience, I feel like I have a strong gullet. The science behind my ability to consume trivial vittles are mainly opinions but I've narrowed it down to 2 things: 1. Generations of good family breeding 2. I consume probiotics on a somewhat consistent basis. Through practice, I've made my gut accepting of most food products.

Contrarily, as I've settled into my 3rd decade, I've lessened the type and amounts of humans in my social circle which I believe is a natural evolution over the span of a life.

We start off on a volunteer basis accepting applications from all walks of life to determine what kind of personalities we jive with the best. From what I've observed, this evaluation period generally lasts from grade school age through our mid-twenties. Then through a combination of busyness, nesting, and social bandwidth, we come to the realization that you only need a handful of genuine friendships to emotionally navigate this earth. My mother says "You only need one good friend". Wise words madre.

In our 30s, I've noticed that it's harder to make new friends. Mainly from our own accord, you just have less of a need and energy to exert what it takes to blossom a new healthy friendship. We save that energy for romantical endeavors and for our ride or die posse.

Not saying it's impossible to build great friendships in your mid-life, but at that age generally, people have a quick sense when meeting someone new. We have a gut feeling quicker than our teenage self would have. This speedy evaluation frees up our brain to then worry about other adult things which is enjoyably efficient.

No specific call-to-action here. Simply words of observation. Be a kind human and love on people. Yep.

New in my life: I have a Corona-free garden growing and a freezer full of organic grass-fed venison to endure this chapter. If you need a place to rent in Nashville, I'll go camping. I don't make bat houses often.

Keep smilin'
