Sunday, March 13, 2022

A Well Rooted True North

They used to use older trees to make furniture. The denser the rings means the heavier the wood. That is why grandma's old china cabinet stays where it is. I heard this from an old man in a coffee shop so it has to be gospel. 

It's interesting to think about trees that outlive humans. Personifying said trees is even more amusing.  I'd like to think these olden trees judge their two-legged visitors in comparison to the previous generations of sapiens they've seen. That's why I always like to give a good pat with my hand as I'm passing by a giant old oak. It's my way of respecting my elders. (Or should I say Alders....)

Every plant and human starts from seed. From there we take root and start heading in a direction. With a plant, things happen that modify its growth throughout its botanistic tenure. A branch will break, drought occurs, disease takes hold, sunlight supply varies, etc. 

In those trivial times, a plant looks to its roots for nutrition and direction. Depending on the status of the shrub, that can mean life or death. For humans, it could mean the difference in healthy versus unhealthy change. 

In the handful of generations that we spend on earth, our situation often changes, sometimes drastically. We change jobs, we change people and we get sick. No matter what newfound chapter we are embarking on, we all have a moral direction that guides us based on our chosen inner state of mind and is at the core of how we make decisions. 

The hopeful piece here is that we have some control of what that true north entails. Just like the tree doesn't always control what direction the branch is headed, even if we can't control our situation, we can still have an inner sense of purpose that defines how we react. A voluntary pedigree that we subconciously draw from when making decisions. 

Just like a plant that lives and dies by what it's rooted in, we too on a daily basis mirror what is the core of us. This is reflected in how you treat people both estranged and familiar throughout your day. 

Whether it is a big life moment you're facing or a trivial daily stressor, the health of your inner compass and morals could determine the growth of your next branch of life. Choose what you're rooted in wisely. 

New in my life: Ranch hand turned manager. Growing things. Sour-Joe coming to a store near you. 

Keep smilin'