Saturday, February 13, 2010

February. The month of Love, and Black History.

My grandma once said never argue about religion, politics or relationships because no one usually wins. And even when someone feels victorious in the conversation, the other person's pride gets damaged. Smart lady. Well I'm not going to touch the religion or politics; I will leave those for the birds. However relationships are always noteworthy...

Men and women are naturally designed to attract towards each other. In fact, my friend, whom we will call Ravis Tarp for now, often uses that as an excuse for his late night freshmen year shanannigans during college. And despite what many chick flicks tell me (not that I watch them) I believe that humans are compatible with several people in their lifetime. That long lasting relationships are developed from having the right timing in two peoples lives. Romantic, I know.

This is funny. When people are asked "what's your type?," alot of people say "I like a girl to be smart and attractive." Really? That's weird. You mean, you don't want the dumb ugly girl? Dibs. Just kidding. I am sorry if I offended any dumb ugly girls with my past few sentences. My point being, don't say intellegent and pretty people are your type. Those desired qualites can be assumed in a mate. Now the definition of intellegent and pretty can be debated. I mean unless only the smart, attractive people get married and all the other people go to some far off desolate land. Wait nevermind, that could be right, Kansas is still part of the union isn't it? Yep. Go Mizzou!

I have friends I swear have never been single. I have friends I'm not sure have ever had a girlfriend. Now neither of those situations is better than the other, just different. When you have people get married all around you, it's easy to feel pressure to lock it up, bury the hatchet, put a ring on it, find that special someone, to wed so to speak. With my maturity level and blurred priorities, I don't feel that would be appropriate..... but that's just me. So in my usual nature, I've come up with a theory....

A friend told me the other day "I'm not good at relationships." Two things there: 1. You're not good at relationships because you keep telling yourself you're not good at them. 2. It's not that you're bad at relationships; it's that you're just better at certain types of relationships. Everyone has relationships. People just specialize at the ones they're good at. Some people are better at friend relationships, other people are best friends with their family, some people are better at finding a soul mate, other people are better at having many short term, nocturnal relationships. Whatever puts the wind in your sails. Then there are the people who have mastered the facebook relationship- you know the person that knows everything about everyone, but oddly never really talks to anyone. They're actually reading this right now. Hi.

Everything wrapped together: If somehow, you communicate with other humans, you're good at relationships. And tell yourself that, it will brighten your perspective. That's what life's all about, perspective. The cookie is gonna crumble the way it's supposed too, just do what you're good at.

New in my life: I have had the same valentine for 23 years now. Happy Valentines Day mama!

There are 137 species of birds in Tennessee.

Keep smilin'


  1. Do you get all this wisdom from working at BPS sir?

  2. I am the best at roommate relationships.

  3. I'm the best at bedroom relationships.
