Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How Do You Eat an Elephant?

Now I constantly wonder what blogs are for. Truth is, blogs are like guns. You can use them for leisure or for purpose. Some people use them to share news, opinions, perspectives or just completely random information. I'd like to think this is a hybrid of all those things.

Self awareness is a key component of social acceptance. So really, you have to be cool in your owns eyes before other people will consider you legit. I'm not talking about popularity here. That was a great thing to focus on in high school. The social acceptance I refer to is simple functionality around other primates. A fortune cookie I got the other day said "Be yourself and you will always be in fashion." I thought it was pretty good for a ten cent Asian wafer.

I get the whole vegitarian thing. I know some cattle and poultry companies aren't nice to their product. That lack of personal attention to each animal comes from mass production of our Big Macs and Chicken McNuggets. Other options? Each of us raising our own livestock? Hmmmm.... I personally have don't have enough room for a large bodied animal in my condo. Now I don't eat fast food often but when Hardees brings me my 1/3 lb. thickbuger, I'm not only a fan of America's burger efficiency, I straight up condone it.

Some women get offended when people say "that's woman's work". Not really sure why. I would never get offended if you told me to go change my oil or clean out the gutters or lift a heavy object. Personally, I love man's work. Bring it.

I asked a friend to come with me to a show. They said "sure". Now to me that didn't come across as a positive or negative response. Do you really want to go? I mean, I'll take a 'maybe' over 'sure' anyday. The word sure is a forced yes or a delightful way of saying no. Nothing against the word, just don't include it in your conversations with Joseph Andrew Mosley the First.

More and more I've been thinking the words "everything in moderation" are words to live by. Thats right, I'm talking to you alcoholics, foodoholics, pornaholics, facebook-oholics, people who wear too much cologne-oholics.....

I love the new locator app on Facebook where it lets people know your current location via cell phone. If there was any great time to be a stalker this is it. I suppose the status updates, current city, twitter pics, pictures from last years springbreak, interests and where you work aren't detailed enough. I'm not dogging the application, I'm just saying if you use it on a constant basis you should also include what time you usually shower and which room you sleep in. Too much? Just saying, there are some creepers out there. Buckle up.

New in my life: I've never had a bad piece of pizza and I've only met two cats that I actually like. Dogs rule.

Keep Smilin'



  1. cat's rule dog's drool....im honored to possibly have maybe been the first person to read this....is it going to my head? sure.....

  2. Pizza is quite delicious. Pizza is like sex-even when it is bad it is good.
