Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tom Foolery Fa Dayz

I pulled up on this vehicle going about four-teen miles an hour on the highway the other day. Initially, concerned for my own well being I was upset at the ignorance of the driver. When I passed the vehicle it was the stereotypical old lady.  I felt bad, but my middle finger doesn’t play favorites. That’s a joke. No birds were flipped. But then I mentally pumped my brakes and I tried to step into her orthopedic shoes for a second.

Someone told me the other day that they couldn’t meet up because they were busy. That’s cute. Who isn’t busy these days? We are all as busy as we want to be. And what you make time for is also a matter of choice. So when you tell me you’re busy, what you are really saying to me is “The other things in my life are higher priority than you.” Nothing wrong with that, in fact it probably is true. This is just a Public Service Announcement letting you know how it translates.

There is this trend that has been going on for a few centuries now. It’s a thing people do. They make lists. Lists are great. They help me buy my groceries, send letters, pay bills and bathe myself.  But what I’ve found with my life is that when I’m living by the list, I often lose perspective.  The perspective that if nothing on my list gets crossed off, life is still going to be grand.

A lot of us earthlings are addicted to productivity. I, myself, am a borderline addict. What often happens is we get so focused on accomplishing the tasks at hand, we forget to soak up the season of life we are currently in. You ever hear people talk about how the year has flown by? Or how people say “You’ll be 40 before you know it.” I have. I’ve said those classics before.

The hard part is taking mental notes of where you are in life. Internally scrapbooking the season you’re going through. Or simply appreciating where you are in life, whether it’s a good or bad moment. The easy thing is to do is to keep those blinders on and see how much you can get accomplished before December 31st. What I’d challenge you to do is take it out of 5th gear momentarily and appreciate what this crazy life is currently teaching you.

You see when we get to be old, we should be turtling it on the freeway.  Not for our own safety, but at that point we should have learned how to slow down our lives and appreciate our surroundings.  Do I really think that elderly senora remembers her weekly to do list she made when she was 27? Nope. So slow down for a second Dale Jr, be a sponge for a sec. Yep.

New in my life: The snails are doing a great job.  I’m a Leo, I enjoy speechin’ and beachin’. If we all focused on what is important in our lives, there would be a shortage of fishing poles.

Keep on smilin'

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