Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The More the Robins, the Better the Garden

Tattoo sleeves, a neck tat of someone's face and a shaved head. He does push ups and military work outs in front of his house. The best taco trucks in Nashville aren't aesthetically pleasing. The first person to meet a pig didn't know what a BLT tasted like.

First impressions are clutch. I've said and known that forever. Which in this case forever represents circa ten years. If you want someone to think of you as an ally, the initial step to that is making a good first impression. I'll give that advice all day. And when I say first impression here, I'm talking about looks. But coming from the other angle, even though it's natural, it's naive to judge a person by the first impression they convey.

The older we get, the wiser we get right? But a lot of us reading this will be wearing grey velcro shoes and driving an Oldsmobile before we know it. As we creatures get older, typically, we simplify. There's several reasons for it I think. Morbidly, we realize death is sooner than later and we can't take worldly things with us. Often times, we have less money coming in so we cut back. But I think the really great reason we become so uncomplicated is we realize there is more to existence than the shirt on our back.

I heard a derogatory comment calling someone simple the other day.  It's synonymously used as a term for being dumb. But I disagree with that usage. I believe finding simplicity in your life is having that same wisdom Agnes has when she orders her coffee every morning and sits at McDonalds with her church friends. As we age we learn to focus less on things and more on people.

See, I'd rather not wait for social security to kick in to start really appreciating the being part of humans. It's hard to do, but don't put all your weight in the image someone is presenting. I'll look past someone's grey velcro shoes to get a delicious BLT at at taco truck. Huh? Kidding.

But back to the opening line, I met Matt that lives across the street. Sure he's inked up and seems like a hardass on the outside, but when you genuinely interact with someone, you might learn that he's a super nice guy that's a chef at Cheesecake Factory and wants to move to California to become a rapper. I'm going to suggest Phat Matt as his stage name, but then again I'm very caucasian. Boiled down what I'm saying is soul trumps image. Judge slowly.

New in my life: Bears like watermelons. I'm wearing jorts more consistently. My legit uncle skills are motivating.

Keep smilin'



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