Thursday, March 30, 2017

Huggies Not Druggies

I spent a whole weekend in a household with a baby. Said baby was just over a year old. Walking but definitely not durable yet.

You learn a lot in that environment. Mainly how to walk on your tip toes before 7am and that Aldi sells a baby food line. The other thing required of you is to be on baby watch at all times. Even if it's not your "turn" or "responsibility," the subliminal question of "Where's the baby?" is always present.

Nowadays we've gotten pretty advanced with our kiddo safety. Baby gates, wall outlet protectors, leashes etc. Personally, I think riding in the front seat unconstrained as a little chico established my free spirit side.

On baby watch duty, one of the key locations to beware of are the stairs. And rightfully so. As a youngster is learning how to navigate up and down the stairs, they need a chaperone to redirect them should any hiccups or imbalances arise. That got me thinking, in comparison to the infant's height, that's a pretty large obstacle to climb. To put it in an adult's scope, that may be equivalent to us hopping over a chain-link fence or getting onto a rooftop. Achievable with mild assistance.

In life, we're faced with the same scenario. We all come across things that socially, physically or morally gets in between us and our goals. For many of us, especially us guys, we think the best plan of action is to figure it out ourselves. Problem solve and then carry on. While I do embrace the problem-solving ability, I think we need to humble ourselves and realize that a helping hand is okay.

Maybe it's a shrink, maybe it's God or some version of religion. Or perhaps it's simply a community aka your friend group. Whatever your source of relief, don't let your pride keep you from seeking that healthy and needed help with whatever hardship you're facing.

Just like the little tyke climbing to his destination with a spotter to keep him upright, we often times need someone in life to help keep us morally balanced and onward to where we want/need to go. Yep.

New in my life: A cool byproduct of Juan's tomatoes being taxed at the border may be a garden eh? Prevent zone defense wins championships I think?  This chapter looks Brite.

Keep smilin'

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