Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Downward Doggin'

I have a buddy who notices horizons more frequently than I do. I'll be following him to a location, we'll get out and he'll ask "Did you see that view?" Ashamedly I have to respond no. I'd like to think it's because I'm a damn good driver. 10 and 2 beats a view. I always say.

Although I am a diligent driver, that's not the reason I don't notice the good-looking surroundings along my course. Often times, I'll admit, it's because I'm too focused on my schedule or the podcast or a stressor in my life or the burrito I'm about to eat. I get wrapped up in the short term.

I feel that anyone who holds themselves to a schedule of sorts could admit the same selfish focus that takes over their day from time to time. We tend to forget about perspective and our long term values when we get in our productivity zone.

I'm not ragging on productivity. America is built on it. It's the reason Chik-Fil-A exists. (Don't ask me to explain that logic, I just really like Chik-Fil-A) In all seriousness though, I appreciate putting in 8 hours of work, checking off a to-do list and coming home feeling like a fulfilled worker bee. It's a good driver of motivation and you should be proud of a hard day's work when you're mentally and physically beat pulling into the driveway.

Sprinting is a great form of exercise but so is yoga. It's important to slow our roles from time to time throughout our day. Maybe it is as simple as leaving the office for a 10-minute walk on your break to clear your mind and let your eyes adjust to a non-screen setting. Or physically get up from your desk to go talk to Tammy in accounting instead of sending her an email. The communication will break you from your grind. 

Your pile of work will always be a pile and your inbox doesn't stop filling up. That's not what we remember looking back as elders. We remember the conversations, relationships and the views along the highway. Pump the brakes along your route occasionally to enjoy the view. Your 80 year old self will appreciate it. Yep.

New in my life: Biologically I don't have eggs, but I'm building a nest. I've reached a new point of maturity, I now have a jar for old nails and screws. Compost, garden, veggies, repeat #shedrally

Keep smilin'


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