Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Oak Sleeps in the Acorn

The grocery store I frequent requires a quarter for the use of their carts. I like the financial accountability it places on small convenient items we often take for granted. There should be a hefty premium along with your firstborn child for the use of plastic bags in my opinion. *Steps off soapbox*

With the grocery carts though, there is a common practice in the parking lot as someone is walking into the store, an exiting customer hands the newcomer a quarter so they can get a cart for free. Or the person leaving will simply forfeit the buggy they were using to the arriving shopper leaving them 25 cents in the red. The aspect that feeds my soul is the chemical reaction of endorphins that this simple gesture creates. Two strangers exchanging an unselfish act and a reciprocated sense of gratitude. 

They don't both need to be of the same political party, income level or race to enjoy this primitive connection that spurs joy. They're purely acting Homo Sapian. 

In the often clouded orbit of negativity and stress most of us reside in, this is a brief window for two random people exchanging pleasantries without first qualifying each other. Maybe it's the thrill of talking to a stranger or maybe it's the unnecessary notion of gift giving, but in these parking lot occurances, both people generally result in a smile. 

Hold the door, smile at people, and give up your damn quarters to anyone that needs it. We need more of that in our brief stay here.

Keep smilin'


New in my life: Mickey has a tavern, it's a pretty bitchin spot. Beavers begin breeding this month. Querencia. 

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