Saturday, November 4, 2023

Calm versus Calamity

Looking to my left a TV shows the evergreen dramatics of worldly happenings. Looking to my right there is a southern hemispheric palm tree trying to maintain its stature in the prevailing winds. 

Risk-averse has always been a hard term for my prefrontal cortex to grasp. The term itself means to be hesitant to take on risk. Once you reach a certain age and income level, your tolerance for risk comes down to how big of an adult you want to be. The spectrum ranges from a coffee can buried in the backyard to starting your own business to jumping out of a plane. 

Meditation is a practice that in theory helps you to slow down in the present tense despite your external surroundings. I'm not here to preach on the benefits of the meditative habit, there are plenty of sensei pumping out that content. But to break it down on a molecular level, meditation helps you mentally perform in chaos and maintain an inner calm. 

There are all kinds of settings where this personal steadiness comes in handy. A few of my favorites include airports, crowded restaurants, and Walmart. 

In addition to these situational calamities, we humans are funny critters in the sense that we subject ourselves to and fester our own self-built turmoil. Some of said turmoil can be blamed on the relationships we sign up for but a fair amount of it is simply poor habitual exposure that we allow in our lives. 

There is a saying that exists that goes "The culture of an organization is shaped by the worst behavior a leader is willing to tolerate". So through the lens of maintaining an even keel and considering yourself a leader of your own world, what is the worst tolerated behavior you allow in your life? The social media and litany of dramatics from the news are good starting points. 

If I were to round this into a well-crafted PSA, just be mindful of your tolerance and strive towards being dramatic averse on the daily. Yep.

New in my life: Airports = Athleisure. Estou apredendo. Jupiter is a gaseous planet. It was pretty bright last week. 

Keep smilin'


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