Friday, December 18, 2009

The Daily Superhero

Which is the better superhero? Superman or Batman?

Superman is the obvious choice. He is nearly impossible to kill. He can fly. He is much stronger. He wears blue tights and a red cape....etc. However, I would argue that Batman is the man deserving of the recognition. Superman wakes up every morning and naturally has all these heroic abilities but Batman makes lemonade out of air. He has to figure out a way to creatively defeat the villains. Superman just does his thing. Batman is a human who makes himself into a superhero. Much more effort shown. Now for the moral comparison.....

I am reading a popular book called Purpose Diven Life by Rick Warren. Like most books, it has great points to it. The quote that I really have taken from it though is this: "Great opportunities come once in a lifetime, but small opportunities surround us everyday." I love that concept. Those small opportunities are just being a good human on a day to day basis.

Now the grocery store I go to has quite the ethnic background so I naturally stick out as the white guy. And I always see the cashiers going about their business counting the minutes and hating their task of scanning my wheat bread and green beans. So everytime I go to checkout, my goals are: 1. Make the cashier smile. 2. Pay a simple sincere compliment. 3. Pay for my groceries. I usually hit at least 1 of my goals.

So for all you conclusive readers... we all may not have a cape and tights living in Metropolis, but a simple compliment could mean the world to someone that has a case of the Mondays. Why be simply human when with a little effort you could be Batman? And while you may not normally be the type of person that compliments strangers, remember Batman isn't naturally a superhero. That compliment could make you someone's daily superhero (blog title eh?)

O and if you disagree with any of my view points, just post a comment and I will gracefully write a blog about how you make a valid point but are wrong. Yep.

New in my life: Contemplating the purpose and aim of blogs.

Keep smilin'



  1. Joe
    While you make a great point about Batman, what about the Green Lantern?
    1. He has kind of sucky powers, but continues to be a Superhero... perseverance
    2. According to Wikipedia, he can make his own "green energy" with his mind... innovatitve... not to mention a great importance in times where polar bears are drowning.

    Hope life is treating you well brother and hopefully will see you soon

  2. hey baby joe love the blog today keep up the good work
