Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Perspective. Reflection. And A Stress Free Life.

"Sorry for cussin' atchu." I turned around, smiled and merely said "You're alright." Did I mean it? Kinda.

I was standing in a checkout line, and a woman with a P.H.D. in shopping from Wal-Mart was voicing her mind behind me about how the cashier closed the lane where she had been waiting in line. She apologized for cussing so that I could hear (see conversation above). Attitude is a direct reflection of perspective. Or in some cases, a lack of perspective.

Did Ms. Rolling Back Prices have a personal vendetta against the cashier? No, she just lacked the ability to step in other people's shoes. Everytime I encounter irrationality or conflict, (which is another blog in itself) I love to step back and disect why it's happening. From the irritated shoppers perspective, I thought "Maybe she forgot to tivo the season finale of COPS and really needs to get home." Made me laugh. From the cashiers shoes, her shift had probably been over for a half hour and Wally world wasn't paying her to make sure every last customer was served. Made me empathize. Neither circumstance may have been right but it helped me approach the situation with a slower heart rate.

Another great example of this is when I am driving to work in traffic and someone is driving aggresively around me, I think: "They must really have to pee." or "They must really love their job." Haha. That's ridiculous.

I don't like being around people who complain. What's funny is most of the people who do the complaining will say the same thing. Why do they do it? They lack the solution gene. When I feel the need to complain, I change my situation in one way or another. Grab the bull by the horns so to speak. But seriously. That happened. Call it empathy, perspective or just an understanding viewpoint.... it makes life easier and keeps everything on the sunny side.

Another thing that keeps me high on life is I have developed an anti-stress policy. This cross references well with alot of my previous groups of words. But when something starts to flirt with stressing me out, I just avoid, eliminate and cut it out of my life. So whether it is that person that requires more patience (an RMP as I like to say) or trying to figure out the opposite sex or just making life too complicated all together; I crop the stress out of my life as much as possible. It makes breathing air a little simpler.

Unrelated but funny, being around people who commercially make music I have realized that 90% of them were not in band throughout school. So thinking, why do parents get their kids into playing a clarinet? To socially stunt them throughout their education? To help them avoid developing athletically competitive habits? Anyone who was/is in band that is offended, shoot me straight here.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. But next time before you react, stop and take ten seconds to try on the other person's shoes. Literally and figuratively. Serious though, this little concept will help you develop your own anti-stress policy. Life is all about having a good perspective.

New in my life: I love going to the dentist, and lakes.

Keep smilin'