Thursday, April 29, 2010

Damn Right Dogs Bite.

I don't really watch TV. The fact of the matter is I have to feel productive most of the time. Through my habits I have made myself this way. But when I do sparatically watch TV, I certainly don't expect to learn life lessons. However, I was watching the show called House, and there was a scene where the main doctor was talking to an attractive nurse. Dr. House in his usual nature makes a comment about how the nurse used her good looks to get through nursing school. She got offended stating how hard she worked for her grades. House fires back: "Well you may have worked hard, but you certainly didn't have to." That one little line reiterates a life lesson of mine.

Every animal has a purpose in life. Cows eat grass to grow and make milk. Bats eat mosquitos. Birds chirp. Snakes suck, but even they are here to eat mice and scare people. That's why dogs are the best. A dog's only purpose is to be loyal to its owner (Man's best friend concept). The point being is that all these animals do what comes natural to them and they do what they are best at. Such a simple concept, but I can't figure out why we humans don't run with this idea.

I think we can all agree that every single person has different strengths. I like to refer to them as assets. Some people's best asset is communicating. Others best asset is simply being easy on the eyes. And each one of us is uniquely blessed with a skill that makes us fantastic. Now the reason that average Joe's fall short of being the tall hog at the trough is that they continue to focus on one of their sub-par assets. For example, have you ever seen an extremely good looking person sitting at a desk doing a job where they hardly ever get seen by the human eye? Wasted asset. Or someone who has fantastic people skills that sits at a computer and doesn't speak to a single person all day. No bueno. The challenge we have is becoming aware of our MVA (most valuable asset).

In the sum of things, do what you love and love what you do. Because it's most likely what comes natural to you and what your'e best at. Just like the loyal canine. If you're good at public speaking, do things that give you opportunities to be in front of a group. If you are a leader by nature, start a revolution. If you're a great debater, don't talk to me. ha.

In the opinion section of the newspaper,a lady wrote a column about how she didn't like how everyone is blogging now and how they are writing about completely stupid topics. O the irony of that. Really? Wonder what she's thinking while she's typing out her article.

New in my life: I recently have gone from shaving my face once a week to twice a week. I think puberty is going to kick in soon. And I went camping.

All the cool kids are leaving comments below.....

Keep smilin'


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