Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cowboys and Indians

I know this one guy. He swears he can pull off wearing Crocs for shoes. Kinda short for the male species too. Weirdo. Truth is, everyone is weird. It's the normal people that I feel bad for.

Thats why people in their teens get frustrated with their parents thinking they can change the way their folks act. But logically thinking, by the time you want to change how your parents function, they've been acting that way for 20+ years. I'd bet they are pretty content on how they go about things. That's why I think it is a maturity checkpoint when you start to embrace your parent's individualities rather than fight them. But this notion isn't just about parents, it's about everyone who currently has a personality...

Personality wise, I appreciate the fact that people are different than me. I'm glad not everyone likes pepperoni and mushroom on their pizza. And I like that not everyone's favorite beer is Busch Light. You don't like country music? Thats cool, I don't like your music either. Ha kidding. To each his own. (For the record, someone once stole my crocs, now they wouldn't have done that if I didn't look fantastic in them.)

But I enjoy meeting a person that is both different than me and at the same time totally confident in their own skin. You say you're a Primus rank in Dungeons and Dragons? I don't know what that is, but that's awesome. What I'm saying is, whatever your thing happens to be, no matter how peciluar or black sheepish, own it. Personally, I'd rather you be a Dance Dance Revolution champ than try to be something you're not.

This also is why I don't feel bad for people who are weird over the age of 18. Most of the time, they are choosing to be that way. It's their personality. So these days, just like I embrace the wonderful uniqueness of my parents, I also love the fact that some random guy at the gas station just told me he was from Oregon and has 2 Rottweilers. He's different. That's cool with me.

So if you are weird, own it. If someone else is weird, embrace it.

New in my life: It's exactly 445 miles. Normally when my true colors show... it's camoflauge. My washer boards have dust on them. The Girl Scouts are back.

Keep smilin'


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