Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Little Vacuum That Could

I really don't like using alot of overused quotes.  For example "You can do anything you set your mind to."  Yes, I realize that in the process of saying I don't like them, I in fact, used one.  When I was a little chico, I never minded vacuuming the floor.  Confused?  Read below.

The best part about success is that it takes patience and persistence.  College is a great thing, and it's a useful place to figure out if you're cut out for life, but the collegiate experience isn't about figuring out what you want to be when you grow up.  It is a storybook.  Pick a major, go to class, explore the opposite sex and alcohol, graduate, get a job and be happy.  Hmmm...

While school at the university level greatly increases your opportunities, it also limits alot of people into thinking they can only be a pimp in the specific field they studied.  A college degree is just an expensive piece of paper saying you achieved a feat.  It's like finishing the giant steak and getting your meal for free.  Sorta.  It has been awhile since a potential employer asked me what I learned in my Agriculture Business class in college. Truth is, employers put more emphasis on who you are rather than what you know.  Why you ask?  This is where we can all take a lesson from a vacuum cleaner.

I don't like to be bad at things.  In fact, my biggest weakness is being good at a bunch of different things, which doesn't leave me alot of time to be great at one thing.  I'm working on it. ha.  But a theory I've had for awhile is that you have to suck at something before you become good at it.  (Get it?  Vacuum cleaners always suck. yep.)  And while that theory sounds negative,  it actually is quite the opposite.  It's motivating.  The fear of failure and starting back at zero is what keeps this theory from taking off.  Just because you studied to be an accountant doesn't mean you have to count beans your whole life.  Suck at something else.  Then get good at that something else.  This also is why I have a hard time being compassionate to those who complain about their job.  Make a move.  A great quote I heard the other day: "Where you are is where you have been focusing."  Let it sink in...

This makes a college degree sound like a waste of money and time. Like I said previously, there is alot to be learned in college.  Now what you learn and where you learn it is a personal audible you are going to have to call.  College is just an example.  With anything in life, you have to start somewhere, and usually you have to start as a vacuum cleaner before you move up to the connoisseur status. 

Summation:  It's okay to be bad at something.  In fact it's part of the process.  Keep on truckin'

New in my life:  I recently was exhorted in a lovely midwestern state.  Jeans, hats and boots are an investment not a purchase.  At age 24, I just now learned what divinity school is and that vacuum has two u's. It's all good in the hood.  Boom.

Keep smilin'

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