Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Your Paycheck's Blood Pressure

I was giving blood the other day and the nurse lady was asking me what I do for an occupation.  I guess I seem too intelligent to still be in college. Riiiiiiight. But at the end of the conversation, the blood nurse lady said "It sounds like your a jack of many trades."  I immediately thought it was more appropriate to call myself a "joe of many trades," but that's not important.  Then I started thinking why I naturally have several irons in the fire.

A guy like me likes to stay busy.  In my mind I have a certain amount of time in a day, and unless I plan ahead to be lazy, it usually doesn't happen.  So occupationally, as I take on more tasks to fill my time, I'm also accidentally end up taking on more responsibility.  And as you may know, in a job atmosphere, as you create more responsibility for yourself, the company you work for has more dependency in you (aka job security).

There's an economic theory called Comparative Advantage saying that a country's most efficient strategy is to specialize in something and then trade with another country. That may be true in certain industries but I have my own personal economic theory relating to job security.  Do everything on your own.  First off, the best advice I have ever received on job security is: "Work your ass off."  Enough said.  Secondly, what I have found out on my own, is the best job security is to try and make yourself irreplaceable.

I would never say that I am irreplaceable.  That sounds both egotistical and naive.  But I think it's a great mindset to have when you are establishing your work ethic.  Side note, sometimes when people tell me their metabolism has slowed down, I want to tell them that it's not their metabolism decreasing in speed but rather their work ethic.  Too harsh?  Yeah, probably.

Now in many industries, including mine, most positions can be replaced in a heartbeat.  That's what happens with layoffs.  It is also why I don't get the whole "strike" concept.  I am probably missing something here, but if were a boss and my employees all went on strike, I would grab the "seeking employment" section of the newspaper.  Sure you would have to train a bunch of new people but at least they would appreciate their job.

Now just for safes keep, I know that there are hard workers out there that get laid off for uncontrollable reasons.  My bad.  This jaunt might rub you the wrong way.  But to scoop it all up: create your own job security.  Work your butt off and somehow find a way to make yourself the life support of your employer.

New in my life:  Grizzly Adams did have a beard.  Penguins are the best.  I've increased my coffee intake.  Every-one is still in light rotation, but I find myself drawn to the south.  I recently discovered that I'm not perfect.  Who knew?

Keep smilin'


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