Friday, August 5, 2011

State Farm Who?

I don't drink enough milk.  I definitely am not a dairy farmer's monetary fountain.  However, I've never broken a bone and for the most part I'd say I'm a fairly healthy lad.  But it's still important for a guy like me to have health insurance.  Insurance...let's check that palabra out.

Insurance as you may know is direct kin to risk.  The riskier you are the more insurance you should have.  But even the cat lady watching soap operas needs insurance.  Now coverage, like most earthly matter, has evolved over the years and there are many different forms of it.  My personal favorite is a gun.  But there are all sorts of back up plans......a rock climber's insurance is that rope he's connected to, for a financial advisor, a rainy day account and for the empty handed drunk at the bar, an ex-girlfriend seems like a perfect solution at last call.  It's science.

But while I preach the importance of insurance, I must say that I don't really care about the most common forms.  Dental, health, car...etc.  I mean I get why they're there.  And  I have them because it makes sense but the insurance that I like on my side, keeps me covered on more of a weekly and often times daily basis.....

There's all sorts of things on a given day that can bring you down.  For the sake of keeping your cup half full, I won't divulge.  But no matter the happenings, circumstances or people that make up your day, you should always have these aces up your sleeve.  I like to call this my personal insurance plan.

1.  Exercise.  One of my amigos told me the other day that he doesn't like working out.  I agreed with him.  If I had a button I could push to keep me in shape, I would push it 23 times a day.  But the act of it isn't what enjoy, it's the feeling I get after I am done.  It's a feeling of productivity.  Boom.

2.  Volunteer.  I'm no Mother Teresa.  Far from it.  In fact it sounds selfish to say that one of the reasons I volunteer is to keep MY head right.  But even so, people are getting helped and it's a good thing.  It can be as simple as giving blood or spending an hour a week at the homeless shelter, but it will improve your moral fibers.  Lo prometo.

3.  Go to church.  I'm not an advotcate of pushing religion.  It's not my thing.  And I really don't care if you even have a religion.  All that I know is that I feel like a better human when I leave mass on Sunday.  Even if you spend half of the service thinking about what you're going eat for lunch or the pretty girl in the second row, it gives you a great start to your week.

4.  Read a book.  I don't know why this works for me.  In fact the most time you have to spend doing this is 15 minutes a day.  It works because it slows you down to mentally recharge,  it takes your mind off the rest of the world for a second, and it makes you seem intellectually ambitious.  Eh?

Subsequently, through life's trial and error, these are just a few things that I consider my personal insurance plan. So no matter how big of a mental flood or emotional fire the day brings, I know I'm covered. State Farm who?

I condone these few simplicities.  This isn't my theory, these are just some things I do to make sure I'm making the day my b*#&@.  They work for me, they may work for you, everyone is different.  Maybe your skin sizzles when you go near a church. Forget that one, and go see a doctor.  And as always, it's your right to tell me I'm full of it.  So bring it.

New in my life:  Every-ONE that I know is still in light rotation.  I wore a headband the other day.  Applause is too trendy for me.  If you put the toaster on bagel mode, you must change it back when finished.

Keep smilin'


1 comment:

  1. You forgot one important insurance: a shower. Keeps you clean and gross free from whatever disease is out there! :) Love the post though. Very uh enlightening.
