Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Road Trip for the Nomadic Soul

The problem with planting vines is you never know where they're going to go.  Unless of course, you guide them in the right direction.  Same could be said about your goals.

I remember going on road trips as a kid.  And the longest leg of the journey was traveling to the location.  Maybe it was the anticipation.  Maybe it was me being impatient.  Or maybe it was the fact that as a self proclaimed Indiana Jones, I was heading into uncharted waters which made the final destination seem a lot further away.  And as I've slightly grown up,  I've realized it's the unknown part of exploring that makes the initial travel to somewhere take so long.

In my elementary and high school years, my parents would drive me twenty minutes into town so I could get my education at the private schools.  (Yes, I'm one of those kids.  And yes, I am better than you because of my first twelve years of schooling.)  God bless Dan and Mary Jo.  When I would tell the "city" kids that I lived 20 minutes away, they thought that seemed like eternity.  But for me and my family, by driving it everyday, it seemed like a quick trip.  You see, the more familiar you are with a route, subconsciously the less time it takes. Ya feel me dog?

Usually at this point, I will make a moral comparison to the topic previously stated.  Wait for it....In my room there is a picture of a canoe on a lake and below it says "Success is a journey, not a destination."  I've never understood the canoe part, but if you don't have clearly defined goals  it's hard to have a destination to  journey towards.  And just like back in the day when I still peed my pants on the way to Disneyland, it takes a lot longer to get somewhere in life if you don't have the end prize in sight. And the more familiar you mentally become with your route (i.e. game plan) the easier it is to achieve. Yep.

So all you Ferdinand Magellan's gather up your life's compass, globe and Garmin so you can figure out a clear picture of where you're going.  If it's the setting your goals part that's getting you in a tiffy, I vomited some words once upon a time that may help with that.  Find those here: Aim Small, Miss Small

New in my life:  I drank wine at a vineyard and lost my wallet.  Jesus drank wine.  I think that's why I found it back.  The girl with the dragon tattoo definitely lives in my neighborhood.  I've been buying a lot more pickles and running more yellow lights lately.  I'm quite cool with both of those.

Follow me on twitter @mojosley for more self proclaimed wisdom.

Keep smilin'


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