Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Suns Out, Guns Out

Life, put simply, is about barking up the right tree.  They say in the wilderness, you can't survive on elk meat alone because it doesn't have enough fat content for the human body.  That was an interesting fact to get your attention.  In regards to hunting though, the bigger the game, the higher caliber of bullet you are going to need.  We all should apply that weaponry lingo to our own lives.

The word caliber is used to identify different types of bullets, but also is a synonym for quality.  Quality in reference to life, is given based on circumstances.  Our circumstances are often times based on choices we make.  So in essence, you choose your quality of life.  (Let me throw out my personal disclaimer:  I don't drive a pimped out Range Rover on 20's.  Actually, most of you people reading this, have a higher income level than I do.  But my job is better than a lot of people's vacation. Yep.)  Once again though, money doesn't determine your quality of life.  Your habits do.  Example:  A millionaire addicted to cocaine doesn't have a great quality of life.  They simply have comfortable surroundings financially supported by their bank account.

In layman's terms, habits are how you go about your day to day life.  I've preached about this in a few of my prior opinionated chapters.  Like this one: http://www.joemosley.blogspot.com/2011/08/state-farm-who.html  In this jaunt though, I'm not confabulating about specific habits but simply that you should improve yours.  For all you readers who are perfect, disregard that last statement.

Now I've only been alive for a couple of decades or so, but I feel like I've ran into some really smart, successful people throughout my happenings.  I've also had the pleasure of interacting with the other end of the spectrum.  The difference between wicked successful people and those that don't bring much to the table?  You guessed it, habits.  Here's the definition based on the book of me: Habits(n): What you do and how you treat people. It's your demeanor, the way you carry yourself, your swag, for my R&B friends.

Remember the hunting speak from earlier?  The bigger the game, the bigger caliber.  Use that in life.  Step up your game. Step up you caliber. Boom.

New in my life: It took a second to recharge from that.  Being selfish is not a negative thing. 67% of my wardrobe has been given to me.  Mexican food definitely became popular because of the free chips before the meal. Apparently I my thumb is green.

Keep smilin'

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