Monday, February 11, 2013

Fate, Faith and the Way Things are Supposed to be.

You know when people are trying to remember something and they're having a hard time recalling their memory? And the best thing they can do is talk it out. Swimmy...Swanny.... Sammy....Samosonite! I was way off! I do that same thing via bloggage. So this is me blogging it out.

There's a life philosophy that I believe in that can be explained in three different ways. And I'm sure there's a professor with a long beard out there that has a better rendition of it. Or maybe just Pastor Pete Wilson could explain it. Name dropping what? But here's my crack at it.

Numero Uno: I don't worry a whole lot. Not that I don't have things to worry about,  I'm just not the worrisome type. And part of that is I always find myself saying and thinking, "Things work out the way they are supposed to." Now I've always outspokenly disliked cliches so it's a very hypocritical thing for me say. I suppose I use that wordage mainly to avoid consuming melatonin pills before bed. But I also find a lot of logical truth in the overused saying. It's a free spirited way of saying no matter your actions, life is going to hand you what you need. And over the years I've noticed a couple parallel subjects that tie in well with the "things working out the way they're supposed to" mentality.

Numerus Duo: I grew up in a very Catholic educated atmosphere. As in, I received a grade for religion class and wore a dress code for 12 years, type of atmosphere.  Since I've lost touch with most of my atheist friends, and live in the Paula Dean part of the country,  I'm normally around numerous Christian people on a given day. All this added up means I get my daily recommended dosage of Faith talk. Now Faith can be explained several different ways. That's probably why there's 2,679 different religions. But for me, most of my Faith is trusting that the Big Man has my back. Now whether that's what I want or what I need is completely up to Him. Really, it's just trusting that there's a plan for my life that I have no control of. Since Faith is a popular subject and a rather complex one, there's a million different aspects of it I could talk about here. But I'm not going to. You can't make me. I'm just saying the main premise of my Faith is knowing that "things work out the way they're supposed to."

Novero Tre: On a blurry eyed night, my friend Dave asked me what the difference between Faith and fate were.  I did my very best to intelligently present a logical explanation to him. What I really felt like was a third grader explaining the economics of North Korean business. Now I've guiltily seen my share of romance films. They're not my first choice, but I've been in the movie watching business for 20+ years now, so it's inevitable. From what I've seen, they are many plots that center on this idea of fate.  It was fate that put the girl in the coffee shop at the same time the guy walked in. Everyone has a soul mate. That sorta thing. But if fate is a predestined storyline of life, how is that different from having Faith that God is the author of your life's actions? 

Like I said, I'm just talking this one out. I don't really have the answer. Is fate a part of having Faith? Are they the same thing?  I believe that they are. I think the end result is the same no matter if you're a free spirited hippy, a faithful Catholic Christian or a hopeless romantic. Different ways of telling the story, but the ending comes out the same. See you gotta have Faith that if you believe in fate, everything works out the way it's supposed to. See what I did there? Boom. 

New in my life: Good to great takes patience and self discipline.  This year was a good Super Bowl aside from the game. Deliver with confidence, whether you have it or not.

Keep on smilin'


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