Thursday, June 6, 2013

Smokey the Bear Approves your Moves

I always like to start stories with "When I was a little kid..." but really that shouldn't be in the past tense. I'm very much still a little kid, vertically and mentally speaking. Somewhere though, in this growth spurt we all call life, I learned the jedi tricks of camping. And apparently it stuck. I loved everything about it. From finding a good spot for my tent, to making a fire, to just being in the simplicity of nature, it fit me well. And that hasn't changed. I'm still a big fan of playing homeless for a day or two. But every time we were done camping and we were packing up to leave, it was ingrained in me to leave the campsite cleaner than when I arrived.  So I went ahead and put that concept in my pocket of important things to remember.

It always intrigues me to hear someone talking about a nasty breakup they went through. I'm not saying my record is squeaky clean, but I would say that I have a passing friendship grade when it comes to people I would call my past significant other.  Is it because I am super graceful about breaking it off with people? Absolutely not. If you are really good at that, let me know. I'd like to buy you a beer and take some notes. I think it is the idea that somewhere in my subconscious brain is concept of leaving a situation better than when I came into it. I'm not saying that people are better humans because I walked into their life. That is a little too male chickeny for me. What I am saying though is, bring out the best in people that are around you. Get over yourself and don't hold grudges because the timing wasn't right with your past found love. It's always fun talking about past relationships on a public forum right? Yikes.

In this past chapter of my life, I've started new occupations a few times. In a couple different industries too. And what I've learned, is that the concept of advancement is all about who you know, is true. Even for a guy up in Alaska, professionally fishing for salmon, I bet it's about who he knows. No matter the industry, it's good to know people. But it is not all about just knowing a copious amount of people. You can know a ton of people, but if you suck as a human being, it's worth about as much as a velvet painting of whale and a dolphin....What I'm saying is clout trumps popularity. It's good to know a lot of people, but it's even better to have a lot of people know you are legit.

Part of this legitimacy comes from the same concept I learned when I was cleaning up trash from our campsite as a little Jose. Leave the situation better than when you showed up. Think about your last job. What does your old boss say about you when you are brought up in a reminiscent conversation?  If you improved the workplace and left it that way, I'd say they have a good taste in their mouth about your tenure. And that is resounding. That is how you build a great personal brand. It's cool to talk about burning bridges, and I'm sure it's appropriate occasionally. But when it comes to your reputation, no matter your professional industry, it's good to leave your pyro tendencies out of it. Unless your last job was being an actual bridge burner. That's just ironic. So at your current income source, remember to always add value. Whether it's through work ethic, a great attitude or baked goods, make the employment atmosphere better. People remember that.

Essentially what I am saying is that you need to come camping with me. It'll be great, we'll have a beer listen to some country music and talk about the St. Louis Cardinals at some point. Just kidding, but not really.  For real though, no matter what your campsite may be, whether it is a relationship or a job, leave it better than when you showed up. Be awesome. Add value. Yep.

New in my life: Sculpting guns while feeding the family via garden. Recently learned first hand about flash flooding. Good to great is still in effect.

Keep smilin'



  1. Far too few people share this sort of ethic. Nice.

    Also, now I want to go camping.

    1. Thanks Heather! Spread the word! You should go camping. It's the right thing to do.
