Thursday, October 24, 2013

Trendy Bird Gets El Worm

You ever been sitting in your basement with your pants off, eating pringles, watching TV and all of a sudden come up with the idea that is going to spring you to being the richest person alive? Yeah me neither. A lot of people have great ideas that never make it to daylight. Say it ain't so?

For every song on the radio, there are thousands of critics. It’s been that way for a good minute. Do you think Elvis and Johnny Cash were welcomed with open arms to the music biz? Not once, not neva. Now I’m speaking from a country music perspective because that’s what I know. I’m not familiar how Miley Cyrus got to where she is from the seed of Achey Breaky Heart.

I do, however, agree with the critics. I think that there is some terrible music that makes it to the mainstream for all the trailerparks to enjoy.  But I’ve come to peace with this concept due to the fact that I have respect for the people that got that terrible music to America's doublewides.

Comparatively, the percentage of successful people in this world is very small. It's even a smaller percentage of people who have that success fall into their lap. Yes, that does happen, but most people work their arses off for where they are.

Now when someone criticizes a song, they are also criticizing the songwriters obviously. And in the world of successful songwriters, when someone consistently writes distasteful music that makes it on artist's albums, that doesn’t mean they’ve been striving their whole life to become a subpar songwriter. What it does mean is that they’ve made relationships with the big fish who can get their music on the radio.  And that my friends, I have respect for.  So when I meet someone who has had success in the music industry, whether it is an artist or songwriter, I’ll shake their hand and say congrats. I don’t always enjoy their brand of tunage, but I do have respect that they’ve positioned themselves around the people who can shake and bake.

And that works on a much larger scale than the music biz. If you believe in an idea enough, whether it's a good one or not, your best assets are going to be the people who can make that inkling a reality. Relationships > Ideas.

86% of my blogs have a motivational nugget to take away so here ya go: Masterminded ideas are great, you should definitely have them, but don’t forget to have a beer, coffee or sleep with the people that can put those ideas in every trailer in America.  Every successful venture is 74% relationships and 26% genius thinking. Whether it's getting your sweet acoustic harmonies on the radio or just getting the boss to approve Casual Fridays, keep making the right kind of friends. Yep.

New in my life: Family Dollar has some great deals. It’s important to stretch everyday. Jesus had a beard.

Keep Smilin'

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