Thursday, November 7, 2013

Do You Even Lift Bro?

I enjoy quotes almost as much as coffee. Which is similar to a stage five clinger kind of love. And I heard a quote the other day that inspired me to type at 10 words a minute right meow. It was more of a factual statement than inspirational quote in my mind. It stated: People naturally want to be around happy people, so if you want people to request your presence, be happy. Simple right?

As I sit in the airport, I’m taking an average poll of people who seem happy. So far, the score isn’t a passing grade. Not even in Kansas.  People have written several books on how to get people to like you. Some say the trick is bringing a delicious dip to a party. Others say a firm handshake on the first impression. Some advice would tell you to find a good formidable scent and people will remember you. While I do encourage finding your own olfactory brand, in my mind, those all are just details. What it boils down to is the core-overlaying concept of being happy. People will like you more if you are happy. Again we are not solving an algorithm here, this is simply a reminder. If you need more friends, if you need a girlfriend, if you want the office to not think you are a terrorist, or if you simply want me to positively judge you from afar at the airport, it’s simple….be a happy person.

What if what you are going through isn’t a happy situation? Good question Joe. That’s what we in the scientific field call stress.  And another mind-blowing fact, we all have it. Every person that possesses a nervous system has stress.   If you have stress, you aren’t special. The thing we all don’t have in common though, is how we deal with that stress. I can give you the Joe Mosley guarantee that being happy helps deal with your issues. Fake it till you make it.  Smile or whistle. You can’t be sad doing those two. The things you call problems will take care of themselves if you choose to be happy.

I’ve always plugged the concept of surrounding yourself with people that you want to be like. That’s important. But what is more important is being that person that everyone wants around. Not necessarily being Mr. or Mrs. Popular, but simply being the Chairman of the Good Vibes. You know why people like a good dog so much? It’s not because they lack opposable thumbs and eat other animal’s poo. It’s because they’re generally happy mammals. Be a happy mammal.

If you were looking for groundbreaking innovations from this blog, I’m sorry. This isn’t a detailed game plan on how to make yourself happy. That’s something you can figure out by reading my other 30 spats on here. This is simply a daily kick to the crotch telling you to be happy.  You’ll feel better and you’ll make other people feel better.  I realize that no one can be delightful at all times, but it’s certainly something to strive for. Plus it’s a better look on you than the alternative. Yep.

New in my life: Finished a bottle of dessert wine I’d been waiting to drink for a long while. Jesus had a beard. "Uncle Joe" has a nice ring to it. Baw with the baw.

Keep smilin'


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