Thursday, October 30, 2014

Dr. Thunder never got his PhD

The best PopTart flavor is Cinnamon Brown Sugar. Bold statement, I know, but I stand by my conviction. We all know that PopTarts are just cookies for breakfast right? It's a shame that typically everything that is bad for you is so dang delicious.

But as unhealthy as they are, I love PopTarts. This is America, home of the chart topping blood sugar levels. Who doesn't love PopTarts? I never trust someone though, that tells me they are bringing me a PopTart, and then they show up with the off-brand version. There are certain foods that you just don't cut costs on. One is PopTarts. I'd also throw peanut butter, soda, and cereal into that mix as well.  I love to save a buck, but when it come to those commodities, I'm going with the higher quality product. I treat humans the same way.

In the music industry as an artist or as an actor, your name is your brand. And you are trying to get as many people to know about your brand as possible. Brand name recognition is the end all goal. But even if you're not filming the latest blockbuster, I think your goal should be to develop a great namesake. 

While the quantity of people that know of you may seem important, I firmly believe it's the quantity of people that know you are of upstanding caliber that is the real trophy.  Having a Roman Empire-era type of social network (expansive) is crowned as important in high school and on twitter, but here on Earth it always boils down to relationships. And how your character is viewed in those relationships, is more so what you should aspire to tell your grandchildren about.

There are self help books to the moon about character and how to develop a great one. I support that reading material. (Side tangent, why don't they have those books in doctors offices and car repair waiting areas? I get magazines are quick reads but a lot of the time they're about as useful as the top half of a chip bag. Squirrel!). While those do it yourself help novels are great, I firmly believe developing character boils down to two things: how you treat other people and your habits.

How you treat other people: Add value to every situation. Be a filler, not a drainer. Love up on people. Genuine compliments are not natural, but come with practice. Use self awareness. How are you being perceived by the people you interact with. When someone is talking to you over a meal, is your eye contact on them or your cellular device? (If you are reading this on your phone and someone is talking to you right now, that's just hilariously ironic) Overall, practice patience. This world needs more of that.

Your habits: How you spend your time and your thoughts forms your individuality. If someone asked you what parts of your life are important to you, do your habits reflect that? If being healthy is a priority, is your time spent at the gym? Do you bring your lunch to work or go for Taco Tuesday? Habits are the DNA of our character. Great thing is they can change. Book I'd recommend on this "The Power of Habits" by Charles Duhigg.

The bare bones of it, your name is your brand. Your brand comes from your character. Your character comes you habits and the way you treat other earthlings. Strive to be a name brand, higher quality product on a daily basis. Hone your inner PopTart.

New in my life: Coyote's are wile. Relationship goal: Two-stepping to the Best of Don Williams. Sweet potatoes are great in chili.

Keep on smilin'

1 comment:

  1. I was just teasing about stealing your "hone your inner Pop Tart" comment! I did come back to the blog to write down your book recommendation. I keep a list of "Books To Buy" that I can rarely afford or have time to read, but when I have time, I need a lot of self-help! ����
