Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Pie is the Limit

I always enjoy seeing couples that are physically opposite of each other. You know what I mean, that really tall guy with the really short lady. Or even better, the super skinny dude with a large and in charge woman. When I see the latter I always do a quick mental picture of the struggle they must have on a teeter totter. The struggle is real. A really good teeter totter partner is one that is equally comparison in weight. You need a good balance.

Even when we aren't talking about playground recruitment though, it's important to gauge that b word. Balance. This world is crazy saturated with achievement. And even more so over achievement. In grade school, over achieving is seen as a complimentary thing. Which it may be at the science fair, but as we get older I think we all need to be wary of spreading ourselves too thin with our assortment of responsibilities.

I've talked before about people who use the "too busy" cliche in standard conversation. "Sorry, can't make the bbq, too busy with the kid's sports." "I'm just too busy at work to grab dinner." Stating that you are too busy, implies that there is in fact a healthy amount of busy for you as a person. And I agree. But how do folks get to the point where they are "too" busy then? They pick the wrong teeter totter partner.

Through observation, I've noticed this too busy bunch of people naturally commandeer a higher level of stress. Which makes sense. If you feel you have so many things to do and not enough time to do them, who wouldn't be stressed?

I love waking up slowly, getting a cup of coffee and then sitting on my porch reading for an hour. One of my few happy places so to speak. But realistically, I can't do that everyday. My schedule doesn't allow it. I also think it's necessary to go to the gym or get physical exercise consistently. But some days, there's not enough time in the day for that.

On the contrary, people who retire without things to fill their time, find themselves painfully bored with life. Too much free time. So what I'm saying is don't get too busy and don't get too bored. Simple right?

Just as you can find your comfort number on a Tempurpedic bed or find your spiciness level at Buffalo Wild Wings, you can also grasp a fish-to-fry level that works for you and your schedule. To put into practice, look at your life as a pie chart and separate it into categories. The sectors I use are: Work, Leisure, Health and Family. You may have others that make your list. But within your agenda chart, try and make each piece of pie size up equally. Find yourself working too much? Force yourself into a movie night. Been having too many movie nights? Let's go tour a gymnasium today. Yep.

To grand finale this point, life balance is a close cousin of contentment. If you're off balanced, there's a good chance you're stressing more and overall less happy. A quick evaluation of how you spend your time, followed by action will leave you with a better matched teeter totter partner.

New in my life: The freezer needs protein. It's spelled with an "e" not an "a". Taking an old pair of boots to a shoe repair shop is good for the sole.

Keep smilin'

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