Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Don't Be the Slowest Gazelle

I was floating in the lake suspended by an upside down life jacket. I was circa 7 Busch Lights deep and feeling rather thoughtful.  On the shores of most bodies of water there are trees that attempt to sustain life among the waves and rocks. Some of them get lucky and find the resources they need. Others don't.

There was a specific tree I was monitoring in my buoyant state that had half its roots embedded into the muddy bank and the other half were protruding into the water and were bare bones from the waves over the years.

I've been dumped before. That feeling, I imagine it's similar to getting fired, but on a much more personal level. It's one of the worst emotions I've come across in my experience as an earthling. Similar to someone throwing coffee at you while running a marathon or that splatter on your foot from the urinal next to you. Those may be extreme examples.

Although I'd consider myself friends with them, I don't follow many of my exes on social media. Some of them may be reading right now. Hey guurl. It's not a hostile situation, I just simply don't prefer the reminder of inadequacy every time I go to post my life awesomeness.  And those times when I've been digesting that tendon tearing emotion after being fired from a relationship, I've found it's a great moment to step back and take some personality inventory.

Now I've been way too optimistic since about the year 1990, but I think a good old fashioned rejection is a prime opportunity to figure out where your self confidence is rooted. What are your values that keep your head up high in times of weakness? What morals or attributes do you have in your corner for when life gives you a swift hook to the jawbone? Those are great things to think about whether you are in a romantical situation or not.

What sometimes happens when we find success in a relationship or job, is over time our mind starts building our self certainty around those results. Then if things go south, so too does our fortitude.

Getting kicked to the curb is never a good feeling no matter if it's occupationally or in the cupcake-ing sense. But you can lessen that blow if your self confidence is rooted in the right places.  If your personal assurance is based on your God given strengths it won't matter how many waves life throws at you, you'll still have half your roots keeping you from falling into the deep end.

New in my life: Can addictions be good for you? 10 days in a tree does the body and soul good. Either way you spin it, the Cubs suck.

Keep smilin'


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