Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Cowboy Cadillac Cool

Three days until Christmas. I'll start celebrating soon. There are a few of you who are experiencing chilly weather. You're not prone to the global warming or The Nino. Minus trying Egg Nog in my coffee, I haven't begun celebrating Jesus' birth yet. Some would say I'm late to the party. Others may say I'm the Grinch or cold hearted. I would say though my personality is right around the 73 degree mark.

"This too shall pass" is a good quote and borderline cliche but it holds value. The other day someone criticized me. This is the part where you're shocked. My first inclination by nature was to feel annoyed, confront my evaluator and resent their point of view. But instead I paused and went back to my prepubescent rituals and took a nap. Naps solve problems. What this mental digestion did is it allowed me to realize how unimportant my worries were. I still didn't agree with my peer's criticism, but instead of dwelling, I came to see it was just a passing moment of emotion.

Comedians, although sometimes vulgar, often have the best perspective on life. They're great at stepping back and calling us out on our ridiculous habits that we have culturally deemed as important. The selfie is a great example here. They're also great at pointing out when us land dwellers over react to things.

You ever get furious at someone driving and then literally 2 minutes later be in the best of moods? It's embarrassing looking back on how I've reacted while at ten and two. I blame Mario Kart. I don't think living with a comedian's mindset is the answer, but what I think a lot of us miss is that everything is a moment.

It's simple to see each day as a culmination of moments but the harder thing to think about is the entirety of your life happening unfolding the same way. A marriage, while hopefully is a longer one, is just a juncture in the span of life. Your o so important job is just an extended jaunt in your story.

It boils down to developing and keeping perspective in your demeanor. It will help you control your reaction whether it's dealing with another driver lacking self awareness or realizing things will get better with time after a loss in the family.

Everything is a moment. Live in the present, but don't put so much value into it that causes dramatic reactions. Keep it smooth, keep it mild. It'll help you get along easier. Yep.

New in my life: Pizza and beers make me grin. Hand models are the bread and butter of Fazoli's advertisements. Working on that beach bod.

Keep Smilin'


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