Thursday, February 11, 2016

Crazy Asses Were Once Baby Donkies

Watching a sunrise with a cup of coffee might be my favorite pastime. It's nature's reminder that you get a fresh slate. Plus the kick in the pants from the caffeine, drinking the bean juice while the dark turns to light is the most natural way to get your ambition fix.

What that sunrise dosage of Joe provides is tranquility for your brain to start up it's engine. It's a healthy practice that I do as often as I can. The common denominator that I love the most about the experience is the silence. Before the birds, before the wind, before the news, before emails and phone calls is the peacefulness of the still.

Silence is a subjective thing. A lot of it has to do with the chapter of life you are currently in and how busy you may or may not be. To a mom of three toddlers, silence is an offspring detox. To a widowed elderly woman, silence is terrifying. It's a matter of how you look at it. There are too many cup half full/empty references out there, so in lieu of the last year's blockbuster and my sunrise reference, let's look at this as the light and dark side. Silence if you're more the Luke Skywalker type, is a breath of fresh air, but silence to Mr. Darth Vader is a lonely resolve.

I don't intend to retire. Not because of my financial state, but more so my mental state. You see it happen frequently; people retire and then get bored. I don't brake for boredom. Just like physical exercise and keeping your muscles in shape, the brain, when left unchallenged, becomes lazy and less functional. So my game plan is to keep busy until the Good Lord physically doesn't let me. I choose this for my sanity and for the sake of keeping silence on the good side of the force.

This is just opinionated information, but the homework here is to think about how you feel when you're flying solo in a quiet setting. Do you feel at ease or a sense of saddened anxiety? Use your powers for good not evil. Yep.

New in my life: Social media PDA prevention should be addressed at a young age.  My roommate celebrates black history month via puppies. The water in Mexico tastes a lot like tequila.

Comments always welcome.

Keep smilin'


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