Wednesday, December 3, 2014

So You Think You Can Prance?

I harp about self awareness often. Are you athletically challenged? Ever been less skilled than the average bear in sports? Good for you. Let's chat.

In high school, whether you made JV or Varsity was a big deal. It's a social status that becomes part of your identity for those 4 short years. And in the natural progression of puberty, by your senior year, you're on the varsity squad right? But I like the physical phenomenon that happens every blue moon, where a senior gets put on junior varsity team.

I love everything about deer hunting. I love being out in the woods, watching the sunrise and the world wake up slowly going from dead silence to the orchestra of birds and wind. The thrill of hunt followed by the venison jerky keeps me going back for more every year. The bittersweet feeling I have about this pastime though spurs from the fact I think I am really good at it. 

To stay on the positive train here, I'm not bad at hunting. I'm just not as good as the image I've created in my head. My expectation level is set very high, and I'm often left partially disappointed at the end of every season.  And to make sure you think I'm a good writer, in regards to hunting, I'm a senior in high school on the junior varsity team. I still enjoy the sport, but don't have the means to hang with the big dogs. And that is something we should all be comfortable with.

I firmly believe you get what you picture and would never suggest for someone to lower their standards when setting serious goals. But it's important to practice that self awareness in specific categories of your life. The struggle that a lot of perfectionists have is they can't admit that it's okay to be just good rather than great with certain actions.  Shooting for the moon is super, but if you know yourself well enough, the top of that mountain over there is the realistic option in parts of your life.

You don't have to sell yourself short, but just choose your battles efficiently. You may not have a letter jacket, but you'll be a more balanced earthling. Yep.

New in my life: A 6am trip to the gym can change your perspective on life. North America is better than South America. Seeing snow for the first time is neat.

Keep on smilin'


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Large Cats Change Lives

The goat animal as we all know will pretty much eat anything. There are over 210 different breeds of goat and an estimated 450 million populate this earth. And not one of them gives a damn.

I was talking with an older gentleman the other day and he told me there is a point in a man's life when you start to only reminisce on life. You only look back on things that have happened. You stop talking about the present and the future. The reason for this is as a human ages, they eventually realize there are more happy moments in their past than what lie ahead of them. Depressing but good food for thought.

This brief but thought engaging conversation further solidified my belief that you should do what you want. Whatever you enjoy doing, simply do it. Now I'm not naive, I realize that not everyone reading this is the 28 year old, single, self sufficient type. A lot of you aren't in the situation where you can be 90% selfish with your resources. You probably have responsibilities in your world. Kids, job, bills to pay....etc. We all have things to take care of. But the point I want to make is don't use those obligations as excuses for finding time to do the things that make you happy.

You have a schedule. Mentally and physically take time to slow down and inject activities that bring you joy. Maybe cooking a stress reliever. Take a couple hours Sunday night to try out that new casserole recipe. Whatever is your happy activity, do it.  Because when you have more grey hair than the other colors, and you naturally start looking back on things, you need to have a good resume. Everyday you have the opportunity to build up your positive memory insurance.

So don't give a damn. Forget all the reasons you can't do what you want to do. Be like your local goat. Whatever your #goatlife activity is, make the time and do it. No matter the flexibility of your schedule, there is always time to live the #goatlife.

New in my life: If someone suddenly tosses you a warm beverage, it's important to be Yeti. Nashville is just like Austin, but people in Nashville simply had stricter parents. Gravitate to people who gravitate to you.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Dr. Thunder never got his PhD

The best PopTart flavor is Cinnamon Brown Sugar. Bold statement, I know, but I stand by my conviction. We all know that PopTarts are just cookies for breakfast right? It's a shame that typically everything that is bad for you is so dang delicious.

But as unhealthy as they are, I love PopTarts. This is America, home of the chart topping blood sugar levels. Who doesn't love PopTarts? I never trust someone though, that tells me they are bringing me a PopTart, and then they show up with the off-brand version. There are certain foods that you just don't cut costs on. One is PopTarts. I'd also throw peanut butter, soda, and cereal into that mix as well.  I love to save a buck, but when it come to those commodities, I'm going with the higher quality product. I treat humans the same way.

In the music industry as an artist or as an actor, your name is your brand. And you are trying to get as many people to know about your brand as possible. Brand name recognition is the end all goal. But even if you're not filming the latest blockbuster, I think your goal should be to develop a great namesake. 

While the quantity of people that know of you may seem important, I firmly believe it's the quantity of people that know you are of upstanding caliber that is the real trophy.  Having a Roman Empire-era type of social network (expansive) is crowned as important in high school and on twitter, but here on Earth it always boils down to relationships. And how your character is viewed in those relationships, is more so what you should aspire to tell your grandchildren about.

There are self help books to the moon about character and how to develop a great one. I support that reading material. (Side tangent, why don't they have those books in doctors offices and car repair waiting areas? I get magazines are quick reads but a lot of the time they're about as useful as the top half of a chip bag. Squirrel!). While those do it yourself help novels are great, I firmly believe developing character boils down to two things: how you treat other people and your habits.

How you treat other people: Add value to every situation. Be a filler, not a drainer. Love up on people. Genuine compliments are not natural, but come with practice. Use self awareness. How are you being perceived by the people you interact with. When someone is talking to you over a meal, is your eye contact on them or your cellular device? (If you are reading this on your phone and someone is talking to you right now, that's just hilariously ironic) Overall, practice patience. This world needs more of that.

Your habits: How you spend your time and your thoughts forms your individuality. If someone asked you what parts of your life are important to you, do your habits reflect that? If being healthy is a priority, is your time spent at the gym? Do you bring your lunch to work or go for Taco Tuesday? Habits are the DNA of our character. Great thing is they can change. Book I'd recommend on this "The Power of Habits" by Charles Duhigg.

The bare bones of it, your name is your brand. Your brand comes from your character. Your character comes you habits and the way you treat other earthlings. Strive to be a name brand, higher quality product on a daily basis. Hone your inner PopTart.

New in my life: Coyote's are wile. Relationship goal: Two-stepping to the Best of Don Williams. Sweet potatoes are great in chili.

Keep on smilin'

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Franklin D. Roosevelt Drank Budweiser

A perfect game pitched means there are no hits or runners allowed on base by a pitcher for at least 9 innings. In the Olympics, a perfect dive is judge based on how little of a splash there is.  In order to be a Budweiser Clydesdale horse, the animal has to be 72 inches tall when mature, between 1,800 and 2,300 pounds, have a bay coat, four white legs, and a black mane and tail. So in horse lingo, perfect. But most of you reading right now don't have to worry about winning the Cy Young Award or pulling a beer wagon on all fours this year.

In this tumbleweed on a windy day speed of life we live in, it's easy to strive for a superlative schedule. But most successful things don't aim for perfection. Not many in a well off marriage expects their relationship to be perfect. The most successful businesses put out hypothetical (and potentially realistic) fires everyday. You see it's not flawlessness that we need to seek, but rather simple progress. Are you getting better as a person? As a family? As a business?

We all are going to have flaws. We are all going to make mistakes. In fact, if you aren't making mistakes, you probably aren't challenging yourself enough. But that's a different blog all together. The point is, it's okay to have a couple of bogeys on your score card as long as you're taking note of why they happened.

We are not designed to be perfect. Some of us are closer to it than others, but from our initial birthday, we are set up to make mistakes. To fall off the bike, to let down our spouse, to fill out that report wrong, etc. Whatever it is, embrace your inaccuracies and learn from them.

When we are toddlers and we are upset, a nap fixes everything. After that nap we have a blank page to work with. As adults, for the most part, we can do the same thing at the end of a day. Mentally start over new with a different 24 hours. Maybe the same issues are present, but we can approach them with a new-found, well rested attitude.

If you fault in your actions, take a lesson from it. That way every falter can be considered an infamous "opportunity for growth" and you can walk away from it new and improved.

On a daily basis, don't worry about pitching the perfect game or pulling off the perfect dive. Life is about the home runs and cannonballs anyways. Progress not perfection.

New in my life: Randy Travis is Mondays and Daily&Vincent is Tuesdays. The blackberry jam at Cracker Barrel is a close second to their strawberry jam. Despite Walmart's marketing strategy, I need to get my cornucopia on before I think about writing a letter to North Pole.

Keep smilin'


Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Pie is the Limit

I always enjoy seeing couples that are physically opposite of each other. You know what I mean, that really tall guy with the really short lady. Or even better, the super skinny dude with a large and in charge woman. When I see the latter I always do a quick mental picture of the struggle they must have on a teeter totter. The struggle is real. A really good teeter totter partner is one that is equally comparison in weight. You need a good balance.

Even when we aren't talking about playground recruitment though, it's important to gauge that b word. Balance. This world is crazy saturated with achievement. And even more so over achievement. In grade school, over achieving is seen as a complimentary thing. Which it may be at the science fair, but as we get older I think we all need to be wary of spreading ourselves too thin with our assortment of responsibilities.

I've talked before about people who use the "too busy" cliche in standard conversation. "Sorry, can't make the bbq, too busy with the kid's sports." "I'm just too busy at work to grab dinner." Stating that you are too busy, implies that there is in fact a healthy amount of busy for you as a person. And I agree. But how do folks get to the point where they are "too" busy then? They pick the wrong teeter totter partner.

Through observation, I've noticed this too busy bunch of people naturally commandeer a higher level of stress. Which makes sense. If you feel you have so many things to do and not enough time to do them, who wouldn't be stressed?

I love waking up slowly, getting a cup of coffee and then sitting on my porch reading for an hour. One of my few happy places so to speak. But realistically, I can't do that everyday. My schedule doesn't allow it. I also think it's necessary to go to the gym or get physical exercise consistently. But some days, there's not enough time in the day for that.

On the contrary, people who retire without things to fill their time, find themselves painfully bored with life. Too much free time. So what I'm saying is don't get too busy and don't get too bored. Simple right?

Just as you can find your comfort number on a Tempurpedic bed or find your spiciness level at Buffalo Wild Wings, you can also grasp a fish-to-fry level that works for you and your schedule. To put into practice, look at your life as a pie chart and separate it into categories. The sectors I use are: Work, Leisure, Health and Family. You may have others that make your list. But within your agenda chart, try and make each piece of pie size up equally. Find yourself working too much? Force yourself into a movie night. Been having too many movie nights? Let's go tour a gymnasium today. Yep.

To grand finale this point, life balance is a close cousin of contentment. If you're off balanced, there's a good chance you're stressing more and overall less happy. A quick evaluation of how you spend your time, followed by action will leave you with a better matched teeter totter partner.

New in my life: The freezer needs protein. It's spelled with an "e" not an "a". Taking an old pair of boots to a shoe repair shop is good for the sole.

Keep smilin'

Monday, September 29, 2014

Chatty Kathy Lives in the Mountains

It's funny to think how cave men picked up chicks. What's ironic is they probably swooned their lady friends at their local watering hole, which is a social tradition the romantically hopefully carry on today. Putting myself into the mindset of Cavewoman Jane, (which I do often) I would imagine she chose her mate based upon pretty simple characteristics. You see back then, I imagine the dating and mating process wasn't as complex. He made me a fire, I choose him. And through that picky selection process, Caveman Jane passed on the more intelligent genes. What's happened is we've become a much smarter and more efficient species over time. Or have we?

Studies have shown that our collective IQ has increased 3 points every decade since the 1930's.  And with that, our technology has followed suit.  So not only are we evolving into a wicked smart species, we can find out pretty much anything we need to know with our hand held computers. Cell phones have gone from being strictly a way to talk to each other, to a new form of entertainment, to keeping every piece of our schedule, to keeping us up to date with every communication channel in our life. And they really are neat.

It's a normal thing now to see an entire table of people all checking their phones at the same time and no one talking to each other. It's so easy to hate on this kind of thing. I don't though. I believe it's part of us evolving as a breed. What I do fear is us losing our conversation fundamentals.  Communicating with each other will always be instinctual, but being good at corresponding comes only with practice.

Being attached at the hip to your cellular device is not a negative thing. But just be aware that the less you organically, face to face talk to humans, the less you're sharpening your people skills. I'm not a cliche user, but if you don't use it, you lose it right?

This is simply a public service announcement. Don't throw your phone into the Mississippi. Instead have a meal or conversation and try to enforce a no competition clause. What I mean is when someone is talking to you, avoid making them feel like they are competing with your phone for attention. Let me know how it goes.

New in my life: Constantly is neato. Sometimes timing isn't a b*$#@. I've got a watch, but I ain't got the time.  Happiness begins 20 feet up.

Keep smilin'

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Formulas are for Chemistry and Babies

I was driving to work the other day and a guy was riding in the back of a pickup accompanied by a pressure washer. My first thought was "My life isn't so bad" then I thought "There's a lot of pressure that comes along with that guy's job." Puns are fun. But that Ford Ranger I just explained prevented me from merging and I had to take the exit and use an alternate route to work.

So much of our life is habitual.  And thank goodness. Our body breathes without effort. Our brain subconsciously remembers things to make our existence more efficient. That's one of the main reasons monkeys are our closest competitor on the intelligence food chain.

They say you switch your major an average of 5 times in college. If you ask me to cite my sources on that stat, I'll probably ask you to go play in traffic. Sources are for the birds. Anyways, that numeric fact makes  it seem like we are figuring out our game plan in our collegiate years. Which generally is true. But how many of people do you know aren't even using that piece of paper that costed thousands of dollars? I'm raising my hand right now. Just because you get a degree or are familiar with a certain field, shouldn't deter you from making moves. Schedules and habits are great and they make life easier, but they shouldn't be your lifeline. Be spontaneous with your actions.

And I'm not talking about irresponsible spontaneity. You shouldn't quit your job because you had a bad day. What I am saying is don't let your education limit your actions. If you have a passion, go for it. Whether or not you spent 4 years becoming a Jedi in it is a distracting detail. If you have something you can't go a day without thinking about, make that a priority. You'll be a happier soul.

I don't need to divulge too much on this. It's really more of a public service announcement. Just be aware of the myth that a degree is needed. Of course in certain fields it is, but a majority of the things you want to accomplish can be done without prior experience. Passion trumps education. If you're passionate enough about it, the learning will come naturally. Whether it's starting a business or building that kitchen table, go for it. You'll learn along the way.

So to digress, there's a million different ways to get where you're going. Whether it's your career or a trip to Target. Take an alternate route. They're usually more fun and you'll learn a few things along the way. Yep.

New in my life: Lee Brice sang a song called "Happy Endings." It ended up being a large stray cat on the boat ramp.  People who like your skeleton don't care how big your muscles are.

Keep on smilin'

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

We've All Got Our Own Fleas

J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of The Lord of Rings, created a place called Middle Earth for his books. It was an imaginary period in Earth's past. When asked if this creative world was in a different era of time, he responded "No. A different type of reality, yes." And really, I think we all have our own version of a personal Middle Earth. Let's call it middle ground in other words.

The words I would use to describe my social network are diverse and random. From ethnicity to extracurricular activities, the group of people I would call my aquaitenences and friends are about as similar as elephants are to mice. And which popularity crew you fit in with is developed at that age when cliques become something you worry about.  At least where I spent my puberty, the freaks at table 9 didn't really hang much with the letter jackets.  And in most high schools the social groups are pretty well defined the same way.

But every so often there comes along a highbred of human interaction. Someone that learns to adapt socially to their surroundings. That can keep up with both the socials and the greasers. Not sure that it can be taught, but I think it is one of the most important qualities an adolescent can acquire while battling acne and trying to find a prom date.  You see by learning to flex to different personality types, one does not only open doors in their social scene, but it absolutely can assist at the water cooler when the bossman (or woman) wants to chat about this crazy weather we've been having.

How does this happen? Like I said, it's not something that is easily taught, but a lot of it has to do with being diverse in your interests and conversationally meeting up with people where they feel comfortable. In other words, know your audience when dialoging. Even if they consider the act of trying a new casserole recipe as an exciting weekend, the person you're talking to has genuine interests. Your job as a conversational sponge is to find out and ask them about what fits their fancy. Find their middle ground and show enthusiasm towards the things that make them tick. Even if you are a terrible person, this simple social tweak will make you seem bearable in conversation.

To summarize, you don't have to be a smooth operator or sales person to discuss efficiently with all kinds of kinds. Just make an effort to find out what your talking partner is passionate about and ask away. Find a middle ground. Pretty complicated right? Yep.

New in my life: Fortunately, aliens do exists.  Looking forward to this coming lobstering season.  Ser feliz.

Keep smilin'

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tom Foolery Fa Dayz

I pulled up on this vehicle going about four-teen miles an hour on the highway the other day. Initially, concerned for my own well being I was upset at the ignorance of the driver. When I passed the vehicle it was the stereotypical old lady.  I felt bad, but my middle finger doesn’t play favorites. That’s a joke. No birds were flipped. But then I mentally pumped my brakes and I tried to step into her orthopedic shoes for a second.

Someone told me the other day that they couldn’t meet up because they were busy. That’s cute. Who isn’t busy these days? We are all as busy as we want to be. And what you make time for is also a matter of choice. So when you tell me you’re busy, what you are really saying to me is “The other things in my life are higher priority than you.” Nothing wrong with that, in fact it probably is true. This is just a Public Service Announcement letting you know how it translates.

There is this trend that has been going on for a few centuries now. It’s a thing people do. They make lists. Lists are great. They help me buy my groceries, send letters, pay bills and bathe myself.  But what I’ve found with my life is that when I’m living by the list, I often lose perspective.  The perspective that if nothing on my list gets crossed off, life is still going to be grand.

A lot of us earthlings are addicted to productivity. I, myself, am a borderline addict. What often happens is we get so focused on accomplishing the tasks at hand, we forget to soak up the season of life we are currently in. You ever hear people talk about how the year has flown by? Or how people say “You’ll be 40 before you know it.” I have. I’ve said those classics before.

The hard part is taking mental notes of where you are in life. Internally scrapbooking the season you’re going through. Or simply appreciating where you are in life, whether it’s a good or bad moment. The easy thing is to do is to keep those blinders on and see how much you can get accomplished before December 31st. What I’d challenge you to do is take it out of 5th gear momentarily and appreciate what this crazy life is currently teaching you.

You see when we get to be old, we should be turtling it on the freeway.  Not for our own safety, but at that point we should have learned how to slow down our lives and appreciate our surroundings.  Do I really think that elderly senora remembers her weekly to do list she made when she was 27? Nope. So slow down for a second Dale Jr, be a sponge for a sec. Yep.

New in my life: The snails are doing a great job.  I’m a Leo, I enjoy speechin’ and beachin’. If we all focused on what is important in our lives, there would be a shortage of fishing poles.

Keep on smilin'

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Strong Like Bull

I've been a boxer brief man since '94. Comfortable in most situations, mid-way between tighty whities and boxers, plus they say "I'm professional, but I still like to party." Underwear is expensive though. More so for you females. But when you spend your hard earned dollar on your under britches, you're paying for much more than the fabric of our lives.

I didn't buy my own underwear until college. I may be sharing too much now. Anyways, I always favored new underwear as a gift and people around me knew it. Besides the obvious hygienic reasons of a teenager having new skivvies, I believe there was a subliminal lesson I was teaching myself with this wish list oddity. It's that feeling you get when you put on a new pair of Fruit of the Looms. (Or as I preferred, Joe Boxer. Get it?) It's a comfortable confidence brought to you by cotton.

In life, the more you learn, the more knowledge, hopefully, you retain. The more knowledge that you have property rights to, the more confidence you have in a multitude of situations. But if you don't have knowledge or the confidence you need, there's this mindset that I like to employ on a daily basis. I call it the Day One underwear confidence.

A tactic that speech givers use is picturing your audience in their underwear. It helps ease the tension and gives you some confidence you may need. Well I like to turn the under garment table. The cliche that is commonly used for this is "Deliver with confidence whether you have it or not" My personal twist to that is: "Act as if you're wearing Day One underwear." (I've come to learn that for women having a matching bra and underwear gives you that affirmative poise I speak of.)

They say "Strong roots build relationships" and "A house is built from the foundation up." Well a great personal tenacity stems from the caliber and condition of your briefs.

It may sound silly, but if you haven't experienced the self-assured feeling I'm talking about, it's probably time you make a run to your local Wal-Mart for a fresh set of drawers. So whether you're a briefs, panties, boxers, boy shorts, or something new I don't even know about, treat yourself to a new set. Shake your boss' hand like you're rocking some unseasoned Ralph Laurens. Give that presentation like you just went crazy at Victoria Secret. And if you can't, at least walk around with that Day One Underwear confidence. Yep.

If you're looking for some hand made quality assurance here's a fun company:

New in my life: The peace sign isn't just a salutation, it's a lifestyle. Gingers do have souls. Everyone needs a privacy fence of corn.

Keep on smilin'

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Don't Pick and Flick

I was talking to a middle aged guy the other day about his Toyota Corolla. He seemed like he probably had a nice office job and a wife named Janice. For this group of words, we'll call him Carl. I didn't really care about Carl's car but he had complimented my truck and he seemed nice, so why not? Turned out to be a jolly conversation about vehicles we grew up driving and how much insurance pays for hail damage. It was a 4 minute conversation in a very small waiting room at a vehicle inspection shop at 7am on a rainy Tuesday.

I didn't need to talk to Carl. He didn't need to talk to me. There's a 98% chance I won't see him again. We ended our time together with a motivated "Have a Good Day" wave. One of my favorite things to do when walking down the street or down a hallway is to make eye contact and say hey to my passerbys. It makes a lot of people uncomfortable, but it shouldn't. Whether you're an intro or extrovert, the average lifespan in the US is only around 80 years and it's your choice what you see in them.

Perspective is a word that is often used in regards to how people see the world. There are two different aspects of perspective: mental and physical. Now I could talk for a coon's age about having a solid mental outlook. But having a great physical perspective while we stroll around on this spinning chunk of earth is almost just as important. (A coon's age is about 1.5- 2 years by the way)

I think it's very important to travel and culture yourself in unique destinations that are out of your comfort zone. Go see some crazy topless indians in South America. Or go see that outlandishly big wall the Chinamen built a few years ago. Those are great options to broaden and better your perspective.  But trips like those, for most of us, are rarities. If you are currently like my scheduled self, you're bound by the PTO gods on how far and often you can see the world. And in case my boss is reading, that's an okay thing. It's a current choice I am making.

The point that I am trying to get across is that just because you're not hiking in the Alps, doesn't mean you can't better your physical perspective on a daily basis. I've talked about it before, but we get so caught up in superficials of life, we miss great views almost everyday. I'm guilty of it too. Texting and walking is addictive. TV isn't my thing but I know a few people are a fan of it. These kind of momentary fillers keep us from seeing some of the good looking people and situations in our present.

You see what struck me when I left that waiting room is that I could've spent those 4 minutes updating my social media, but instead I took a moment to pick Carl's brain about the hailstorm of 2013 and the power of his 4 cylinder Corolla. And that made me smile all the way to work.

"Today, stop and smell the roses" is a little over used for my style.  Let's go with "Today, stop and stare at people in traffic." Enjoy the visuals you get on a daily basis. Yep.

New in my life: I thoroughly enjoy checking my email these days. I bought a Jonny Lang cd in high school because Jon Perkins told me to.  Trying to figure out if I will like my niece or my nephew better.

Keep on smilin'

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Green Light Means Go.

I used to do this crazy sales job in the summertime during college. And when we had days where we didn’t sell anything, those were referred to as “character building” days. Which was true. When you get told no so many times and yet you still keep going, you add to your character’s stock value.

Now we as human beings are designed for interaction with other people. Even if you collect Star Wars figurines or have 7 cats, you seek some sort of relationship with other people.  The culture that we live in currently, it’s hard to find someone that isn’t checking their cell phone at every red light to see how many more people liked their Facebook status. Or sending a “hey” text to 4 people for the mere sake being connected.  We like to be social.

You see the issue that is hard to swallow, is that it’s healthy to be disconnected and lonely every once in awhile.  With all of our social media outlets and the World Wide Web, we are in an age where it is very easy to keep in touch at all times. 

Thankfully, it doesn’t happen often these days, but there will be times where my phone is quiet for an entire day.  No texts received. No phone calls.  And socially, I have a character building day.  End of the world right? But it’s not really a sad thing. Zero days, as I refer to them, help you gain a sense of self confidence that you wouldn’t get had you checked your Instagram just one more time. I call it a state of being “perfectly lonely.” One short moment of lonely can help you get past being dependent on your social media crutch.

Good or bad, something we are losing with our ongoing online presence is the concept of just being. Having nothing to entertain us but our thoughts is becoming a rarity.  What we have developed, is this habit of always being connected, and along with it, a drastic fear of being lonely.

You’re always welcome to tell me I’m wrong, but give it a whirl next time you sense that lonely feeling coming on.  Instead of tweeting that you’re probably going to die alone, just sit with your thoughts. A little lonely is normal and in my opinion, good for your self being. I’m not encouraging being lonely all the time, like I said we are creatures built for relationships. But since we know it’s inevitably going to happen at some point, we may as well embrace that lonesome feeling as something that’s good for us.  Build some character, be lonely. I dare you.

New in my life: Two-for-one beers on Tuesday are good for me. Confidence comes from keeping busy.  Make different moves, get different results. #legendary

Keep smilin'