Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Filling your Bucket

There is a theory that the saying "kicking the bucket" comes from the ages when people were hung as punishment for a crime. I hope no further description is needed. I heard this known saying a long while ago, and didn't realize at the time how much the bucket thing makes sense.

Describing life as a bucket ties in well to how people look at each other. In a previous jaunt of words, I mentioned that some people that you talk to take more emotional energy than others. My theory is that there are two types of personalities: fillers and drainers. Cue the bucket concept. Everyone knows a drainer. A negative Nancy. A person that requires more patience. Someone that when you are finished talking to them, you feel a little more exhausted, or drained.

But my personal favorites are fillers. The type of person that spreads inspiration and motivation just by conversing. They give energy instead of taking it. I think we all should strive to be one. I know a few and it's great to have them in my bucket so to speak. Now, while we all have the decision to either be a filler or a drainer, the more important decision is how many fillers or drainers you have in your life. To do that you may have to make a judgement call.

I find the word "judging" in the english language has gotten a bad rap. It's not necessarily a negative thing to judge a person or idea as long as your judgement is based on fact and not opinion. However, I believe it is negative to wrongfully judge something. It's human nature to judge, it is how we develop who we are and the people within our posse. I like to pick my amigos based on factual observations. Like something someone did or said. And comparing those observations to my personal moral standards, I decide if you are legit.

One of the better analogies I like to use, is comparing people's lifestyle to the stock exchange. If you're being sketch, your stock is going down. If you don't bathe properly, your stock is going down. If you like Toby Keith, your stock is going down. If you're a drainer, your stock is going down. Oppositely, the easier you are to do business with on a daily basis the more your stock is going to rise.

Dovetailing into this concept, there are many different ways to evalutate or judge a person. In fact, how you hold a candle to someone is a great evaluation of your own moral standards. And the people that surround you on a day to day basis, are a reflection on how high or low those standards are.

This episode has two concepts to choose from. One about who you call your people: Are you filling or draining your bucket? And one about your own persona: Is your stock rising or falling? Fill your bucket and increase the value of your stock. Yep.

New in my life: The other day before I went into a farm supply store, I decided to throw on my camoflauge hat. Ya' know, to blend a bit. I'd like to think I wear many different hats quite well. And I mean that in all facets of that saying.

Keep Smilin'


Monday, November 8, 2010

Throwing With Your Left Hand

A certain study says that 70% to 90% of the world is right handed. Noted. I personally think left handed people are smarter. That last comment has nothing to do with this blog. I'll get to the hand thing in a sec.

Now I truly feel that doing things that make you nervous will make you a better, more rounded person. Definitely, you should still stick with your best assets and do what comes naturally to you, but there are always unforseen benefits in actions that get you out of your comfort zone.

Take for example when you see (or saw depending on your marital status) an attractive human being of the opposite sex. Is it nerve racking to go talk to them? Yes. Does it show confidence? Yes. Is confidence in moderation a good quality? Si. Bueno. I bet Christopher Columbus was a little nervous about floating west, but I think that one worked out for us.....

(Huge side note, I think that when Christopher Columbus intially found land is kind of how dating works. I mean he came upon a nice island, current day Bahamas, and that must have been very comfortable. Beach side view, no neighbors, plentiful resources...etc. He could have settled and lived very happily there. But he didn't. He knew there was something much better out there that would one day be called Merica. Don't settle for your first decent island just because it's comfortable, go a little futher west. Hah. Thats ridiculous.)

Simply what I am suggesting is to challenge yourself to do something a little positively awkward this week. Maybe it's going up to that good lookin' lassie at the coffee shop or maybe simply starting a new healthy habit in your life. Either way, a little personal growth never hurt anyone. Sure it will be a little uncomfortable, but so was the first time you threw a ball. And remember how the more you practiced throwing, the more of a great thing it was? This new found nervousness can be like learning to throw with your left hand (blog title anyone?) Boom.

New in my life: Only boring people get bored. Ambition + friends + hobbies = speed of your lifestyle. If someone ever says they are bored, I know they are lacking in 1 of those 3 areas. If you have enough friends, you'll always have something to do or somewhere to go. If you don't have any friends, you can be really good at scrapbooking or collecting coins (both avid hobbies of mine). But if you have zero ambition, there is a higher likelihood you don't have friends or hobbies. You're bored.

Keep Smilin'


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How Do You Eat an Elephant?

Now I constantly wonder what blogs are for. Truth is, blogs are like guns. You can use them for leisure or for purpose. Some people use them to share news, opinions, perspectives or just completely random information. I'd like to think this is a hybrid of all those things.

Self awareness is a key component of social acceptance. So really, you have to be cool in your owns eyes before other people will consider you legit. I'm not talking about popularity here. That was a great thing to focus on in high school. The social acceptance I refer to is simple functionality around other primates. A fortune cookie I got the other day said "Be yourself and you will always be in fashion." I thought it was pretty good for a ten cent Asian wafer.

I get the whole vegitarian thing. I know some cattle and poultry companies aren't nice to their product. That lack of personal attention to each animal comes from mass production of our Big Macs and Chicken McNuggets. Other options? Each of us raising our own livestock? Hmmmm.... I personally have don't have enough room for a large bodied animal in my condo. Now I don't eat fast food often but when Hardees brings me my 1/3 lb. thickbuger, I'm not only a fan of America's burger efficiency, I straight up condone it.

Some women get offended when people say "that's woman's work". Not really sure why. I would never get offended if you told me to go change my oil or clean out the gutters or lift a heavy object. Personally, I love man's work. Bring it.

I asked a friend to come with me to a show. They said "sure". Now to me that didn't come across as a positive or negative response. Do you really want to go? I mean, I'll take a 'maybe' over 'sure' anyday. The word sure is a forced yes or a delightful way of saying no. Nothing against the word, just don't include it in your conversations with Joseph Andrew Mosley the First.

More and more I've been thinking the words "everything in moderation" are words to live by. Thats right, I'm talking to you alcoholics, foodoholics, pornaholics, facebook-oholics, people who wear too much cologne-oholics.....

I love the new locator app on Facebook where it lets people know your current location via cell phone. If there was any great time to be a stalker this is it. I suppose the status updates, current city, twitter pics, pictures from last years springbreak, interests and where you work aren't detailed enough. I'm not dogging the application, I'm just saying if you use it on a constant basis you should also include what time you usually shower and which room you sleep in. Too much? Just saying, there are some creepers out there. Buckle up.

New in my life: I've never had a bad piece of pizza and I've only met two cats that I actually like. Dogs rule.

Keep Smilin'


Thursday, August 19, 2010

King Henry's Roladex

It's not what you know but who you know. But sometimes what know is the reason you know the people you do.

In medieval times, noblety would travel from their castles to far off lands to expand their realm of power. A king or prince would go to talk business with another country or dynasty in order to gain lands, rights or simply build rapport. I think sometimes this is one of the reasons people join dating websites. Hold on, it'll make sense in a sec.

Now don't read this negatively, there is nothing wrong with dating websites. They serve their purpose quite well. Sometimes though, one of the reasons people join them is because they just don't have many opportunities in their schedule to meet new people. They get up, go to work, see the same 32 people they see everyday. Weekends they might hit up the local redbox and spice up their life by making a potato casserole. Not alot of social interaction. Thats fine. Thats why can afford to waste money on TV commercials. What I'm saying is that these types of people are not going out to expand their lands as much as they should.

To un-fog this thought, what King Henry was doing by traveling to meet other leaders is he was simply expanding his sphere of influence. And that is something we all have. About the time when I discovered deodorant and I hit my growth spurt was when I started to develop my sphere of influence. (Anyone who has ever made fun of me, gets the growth spurt joke) This makes sense for most people, because in our teens when we starting to figure who we are going to be, we also figure out who we want and don't want to associate ourselves with. Now even I hung out with the freaks at table 9 at some point in my life. I think that's just part of the process when developing your set of friends. Or maybe I'm still a freak at table 9. Which I'm cool with too. And typically, as we physically and socially grow, so does our sphere of influence.

And as youre sphere of influence grows so too do your opportunities.

The opportunities I'm talking about could be occupational, social or romantical. But with a larger sphere of influence comes a larger database of contacts. And with more contacts, comes more opportunity. I read a study the other day that said a majority of people found their current job through a loose contact. Someone they kind of know. Makes sense. The beauty of it is that we have complete control of how big our sphere of influence is. Depending on the personality type, it could be the size of a jelly bean or more comparable to the arctic circle.

Another great thing is we don't have to ride in a wagon for a week to find opportunity. We've become much more socially efficient. So whether it's, or a book club, or church or your local watering hole; make a friend.... expand your lands. Who knows, it could be your next job. You don't necessarily have to be popular to have a great sphere of influence.

New in my life: As a toddler all I needed was my tricycle and my driveway. Then as a kid, my bike and my gravel road became my life support. Sequentially, at 16 a little blue pick up truck was my new found source of entertainment. And now at 24 I find only aviation can keep me satisfied. I feel I have peaked on my mode of transportation curve. At this rate, I don't even know what's next.

Keep smilin'


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Perspective. Reflection. And A Stress Free Life.

"Sorry for cussin' atchu." I turned around, smiled and merely said "You're alright." Did I mean it? Kinda.

I was standing in a checkout line, and a woman with a P.H.D. in shopping from Wal-Mart was voicing her mind behind me about how the cashier closed the lane where she had been waiting in line. She apologized for cussing so that I could hear (see conversation above). Attitude is a direct reflection of perspective. Or in some cases, a lack of perspective.

Did Ms. Rolling Back Prices have a personal vendetta against the cashier? No, she just lacked the ability to step in other people's shoes. Everytime I encounter irrationality or conflict, (which is another blog in itself) I love to step back and disect why it's happening. From the irritated shoppers perspective, I thought "Maybe she forgot to tivo the season finale of COPS and really needs to get home." Made me laugh. From the cashiers shoes, her shift had probably been over for a half hour and Wally world wasn't paying her to make sure every last customer was served. Made me empathize. Neither circumstance may have been right but it helped me approach the situation with a slower heart rate.

Another great example of this is when I am driving to work in traffic and someone is driving aggresively around me, I think: "They must really have to pee." or "They must really love their job." Haha. That's ridiculous.

I don't like being around people who complain. What's funny is most of the people who do the complaining will say the same thing. Why do they do it? They lack the solution gene. When I feel the need to complain, I change my situation in one way or another. Grab the bull by the horns so to speak. But seriously. That happened. Call it empathy, perspective or just an understanding viewpoint.... it makes life easier and keeps everything on the sunny side.

Another thing that keeps me high on life is I have developed an anti-stress policy. This cross references well with alot of my previous groups of words. But when something starts to flirt with stressing me out, I just avoid, eliminate and cut it out of my life. So whether it is that person that requires more patience (an RMP as I like to say) or trying to figure out the opposite sex or just making life too complicated all together; I crop the stress out of my life as much as possible. It makes breathing air a little simpler.

Unrelated but funny, being around people who commercially make music I have realized that 90% of them were not in band throughout school. So thinking, why do parents get their kids into playing a clarinet? To socially stunt them throughout their education? To help them avoid developing athletically competitive habits? Anyone who was/is in band that is offended, shoot me straight here.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. But next time before you react, stop and take ten seconds to try on the other person's shoes. Literally and figuratively. Serious though, this little concept will help you develop your own anti-stress policy. Life is all about having a good perspective.

New in my life: I love going to the dentist, and lakes.

Keep smilin'


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Damn Right Dogs Bite.

I don't really watch TV. The fact of the matter is I have to feel productive most of the time. Through my habits I have made myself this way. But when I do sparatically watch TV, I certainly don't expect to learn life lessons. However, I was watching the show called House, and there was a scene where the main doctor was talking to an attractive nurse. Dr. House in his usual nature makes a comment about how the nurse used her good looks to get through nursing school. She got offended stating how hard she worked for her grades. House fires back: "Well you may have worked hard, but you certainly didn't have to." That one little line reiterates a life lesson of mine.

Every animal has a purpose in life. Cows eat grass to grow and make milk. Bats eat mosquitos. Birds chirp. Snakes suck, but even they are here to eat mice and scare people. That's why dogs are the best. A dog's only purpose is to be loyal to its owner (Man's best friend concept). The point being is that all these animals do what comes natural to them and they do what they are best at. Such a simple concept, but I can't figure out why we humans don't run with this idea.

I think we can all agree that every single person has different strengths. I like to refer to them as assets. Some people's best asset is communicating. Others best asset is simply being easy on the eyes. And each one of us is uniquely blessed with a skill that makes us fantastic. Now the reason that average Joe's fall short of being the tall hog at the trough is that they continue to focus on one of their sub-par assets. For example, have you ever seen an extremely good looking person sitting at a desk doing a job where they hardly ever get seen by the human eye? Wasted asset. Or someone who has fantastic people skills that sits at a computer and doesn't speak to a single person all day. No bueno. The challenge we have is becoming aware of our MVA (most valuable asset).

In the sum of things, do what you love and love what you do. Because it's most likely what comes natural to you and what your'e best at. Just like the loyal canine. If you're good at public speaking, do things that give you opportunities to be in front of a group. If you are a leader by nature, start a revolution. If you're a great debater, don't talk to me. ha.

In the opinion section of the newspaper,a lady wrote a column about how she didn't like how everyone is blogging now and how they are writing about completely stupid topics. O the irony of that. Really? Wonder what she's thinking while she's typing out her article.

New in my life: I recently have gone from shaving my face once a week to twice a week. I think puberty is going to kick in soon. And I went camping.

All the cool kids are leaving comments below.....

Keep smilin'


Monday, March 22, 2010

I'll Take a Raincheck on That Pair of Pants

Irony is a beautiful thing. I live and look for it everyday. I think the Big Man upstairs put irony on this spinning ecosystem to teach us lessons in an innocently humorous way. Now irony is funny as long as we stay positive about things. The concept I find the most ironic lately is the pressure for people my age to get married. Now, believe me, I'm not pressured to get married. I just see some people fret about it. The reason the idea is ironic is that simultaneously the divorce rate has never been higher. Hmmmm.....

As a disclaimer to my friends whom are happily married, I want to say that I am extremely proud of the fact that you found the right equal (TB, MK...etc). I mean, if you guys can find someone to marry you, that gives me so much hope. Haha. Thats a joke. I hope you are offended. No it's just that in my current personal situation, a dog is too much commitment. That leads alot of women to quickly throw the "commitment issues" card on the table in my direction. Do it. The only reason more women don't have commitment issues is because of that little clock inside their bodies that has a monthly alarm screaming....CHILDREN!!! Just another reason I am proud to pee standing up, outside, and with my shirt off thanking God I am a man. Do I sound chauvanistic? Yep. Have I offended some women with the previous sentences? Yep. Do I drink Busch Light? Yep. Sorry, I need to just go watch Gladiator, Braveheart and 300 and get over my man pride.

Speaking of the matter, I've heard people say that persons with commitment issues also have decision making issues. That's wrong. In fact, to prove it, I have decided not to commit.

Back to the marriage idea...I think it's great that people go looking for a spouse. But I don't even know how that works. I mean, I've heard of shopping around for a wife, but I can't relate to that. Mainly because when I shop I love me a good deal and I normally look extensively through the clearance rack. So as far as dating goes then, should I steer clear of TJ Maxx? They're still good clothes, they just didn't sell well at other stores. (For those of you who know the pair of pants analogy, this fits in perfectly. I just can't explain it because that's secretive guy code) And when shopping at Express, I think it's great looking stuff, I just can't justify spending that much money. Because in reality, Target's clothes last just as long and I look just as good. (Pause) Let the analogy sink in. Bueno.

This spell of words may seem anti-marital. On the contrary, I think marriage is a wonderful thing. Thats why I will eventually think I'll do it.... once. I feel that as long as you don't make a habit of getting married, it's a great vocation. So to all my fellow tumbleweeds.... Salud! No pressure.

New in my life: I bought two boxes of girl scout cookies. Do the boyscouts still sell popcorn? Really? I bet they are getting demolished by the girl scouts in sales. Boyscouts really need to re-think their marketing plan....

Keep smilin'


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Should I Read Your Paper?

When a tree falls in the forest, is there a noise? When someone ignores your phone call, do you know it? Maybe... sometimes. The phone lights up, you look at who is calling, you push ignore and continue watching Jersey Shore. Everyone has done it and for a cornicopia of different reasons. Maybe he's just not that into you. The key is to not make a habit of it. Now if I am awake and near my phone, I'm usually going to answer (obviously depending on the situation.) But one of the reasons that people ignore phone calls lines up exactly with a theory of mine...

You ever get home from work, and just don't feel like talking to humans? Yup. Even if your grandmother called (Rosemary is a saint), you wouldn't answer. According to some researchers, men use an estimated 7,000 words per day while women are in the upwards of 20,000 words per day. Makes sense. It's called a word count. Everyone has one and its personalized depending on the day and circumstances. For me, my daily word count depends on how much sleep I got the night before, how hungry I am or how much debauchery was raised at happy hour. And once I reach my word count for the day, I know it and you know it. Now based on the different personalities (introvert vs. extrovert) some people naturally will have a much higher word count. More science.

Tied into this word count is an emotional tank. De novo, everyone has an emotional tank. Some people have the emotional tank like an 18 wheeler, others have one comparable to a mo-ped. Just depends on your personality and who you decide to communicate with during the day. Every single person that you talk to during the day is emotionally draining to an extent. Meaning you use just a little bit of emotion everytime you speak. Some people you talk to will be extremely emotionally draining, they are least like your personality. Other primates will be hardly draining at all, those are the person's more like you and are very easy to confabulate with.

So for all you tyrants of the telephone, don't freak out if it's been awhile since I've talked to you; I probably have just been maxing out my word count. Or I don't like you. Just kidding. I probably like 98% of the people reading this. Now you're wondering if you're that 2%. Yep. You probably are.

Nutshelling this theory, everyday is like writing a paper and you get to choose the length and format of it. A pamphlet? A novel? Doesn't matter, as long as you're happy with it. Just make your paper worth reading. I'm at my word count for this blog.

New in my life: I'm still fighting the iphone craze but I recently just upgraded to unlimited texts. I feel like a college kid at an all you can eat buffet trying to get his money's worth.

Learning southern speak:

'Preciate Ya! = Thank You
Bless Your Heart = Sucks to be you/ Ain't that a shame.

Keep smilin'


Saturday, February 13, 2010

February. The month of Love, and Black History.

My grandma once said never argue about religion, politics or relationships because no one usually wins. And even when someone feels victorious in the conversation, the other person's pride gets damaged. Smart lady. Well I'm not going to touch the religion or politics; I will leave those for the birds. However relationships are always noteworthy...

Men and women are naturally designed to attract towards each other. In fact, my friend, whom we will call Ravis Tarp for now, often uses that as an excuse for his late night freshmen year shanannigans during college. And despite what many chick flicks tell me (not that I watch them) I believe that humans are compatible with several people in their lifetime. That long lasting relationships are developed from having the right timing in two peoples lives. Romantic, I know.

This is funny. When people are asked "what's your type?," alot of people say "I like a girl to be smart and attractive." Really? That's weird. You mean, you don't want the dumb ugly girl? Dibs. Just kidding. I am sorry if I offended any dumb ugly girls with my past few sentences. My point being, don't say intellegent and pretty people are your type. Those desired qualites can be assumed in a mate. Now the definition of intellegent and pretty can be debated. I mean unless only the smart, attractive people get married and all the other people go to some far off desolate land. Wait nevermind, that could be right, Kansas is still part of the union isn't it? Yep. Go Mizzou!

I have friends I swear have never been single. I have friends I'm not sure have ever had a girlfriend. Now neither of those situations is better than the other, just different. When you have people get married all around you, it's easy to feel pressure to lock it up, bury the hatchet, put a ring on it, find that special someone, to wed so to speak. With my maturity level and blurred priorities, I don't feel that would be appropriate..... but that's just me. So in my usual nature, I've come up with a theory....

A friend told me the other day "I'm not good at relationships." Two things there: 1. You're not good at relationships because you keep telling yourself you're not good at them. 2. It's not that you're bad at relationships; it's that you're just better at certain types of relationships. Everyone has relationships. People just specialize at the ones they're good at. Some people are better at friend relationships, other people are best friends with their family, some people are better at finding a soul mate, other people are better at having many short term, nocturnal relationships. Whatever puts the wind in your sails. Then there are the people who have mastered the facebook relationship- you know the person that knows everything about everyone, but oddly never really talks to anyone. They're actually reading this right now. Hi.

Everything wrapped together: If somehow, you communicate with other humans, you're good at relationships. And tell yourself that, it will brighten your perspective. That's what life's all about, perspective. The cookie is gonna crumble the way it's supposed too, just do what you're good at.

New in my life: I have had the same valentine for 23 years now. Happy Valentines Day mama!

There are 137 species of birds in Tennessee.

Keep smilin'

Monday, February 1, 2010

What Friends Are For

I was standing there in my tiny Umbro basketball shorts, Nike high top sneakers, orange cotton jersey not really knowing why I was on a basketball court. I mean I was the shortest kid in the 1st grade.... that's including the girls. I think the best part though was that my hair was artistically cut into a rat tail. Yep, I said it. Somewhere around my 5th- 7th year on this earth I decided and my parents allowed me to sport the vintage rat tail. Hold on. Before this gets out of hand.... it wasn't that long of a rat tail. Just an extension of a reverse widows peak. I was starting a revolution.

Now I can't remember what childhood epiphany made me want a rat tail. It might have been too many episodes of Walker Texas Ranger or maybe it was just an omen of the years to come. But I also can't remember why eventually I got rid of it (believe me, it was short lived). My theory is that because eventually one of my friends made fun of it. So in my mind it went from being cool to something people don't do. The rat tail is just an example used for dramatic and humbling purposes. I bet though, over the years there have been a lot of habits, styles, and choices that were highly influenced by my friends. I condone this.

These days, now that I have quit ordering a toy with my McDonalds and am fully confident puberty has left its mark, (still waiting on that whole "growth spurt" thing they always talked about by the way) I certainly don't base my actions on other people's thoughts/opinions. However, I think that one of the biggest things that friends are for is to call you out on life. So if you're the kind of person that gets offended when your friends tell you that you're a messy person or that you're outfit makes you look gay or that you eat too much, you should probably get over yourself. How many times in your life have strangers pointed out to you the flaws in your life? Right. Strangers are not supposed to, the people you like the most are.

So don't get upset when your friends speak their minds about your short comings (for me it was my height. Get it? I'm short.) Simply thank them for pointing out the areas that need improvement. Because without criticism, we would all think too highly of ourselves. Tracey Lawrence has a song "Find Out Who Your Friends Are" where he talks about all the qualities that your real friends should have. Great tune. But really, I find out who my friends are based upon how honest they are with how much I suck sometimes.

So to crystalize this idea: Take crap from your friends with a smile. And I don't know exactly which one of you it was, but thank you for telling me that humans don't do rat tails. Who knows which carnival I'd be working at had you kept to yourself.

Now there are a ton of different aspects of what makes your posse, amigos, gangstas, brosephs, homies, friends so great. I just highlighted one. I hope you use the commenting forum to share these qualities with the blogging world.

New in my life: My half birthday is in 11 days. Please send all cards, cookies, travelers checks, and full body shots to my current address.

Keep smilin'


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Back Where I Come From

The word country has a debatable meaning. To some people it simply means a border around a certain area of land. To others it is an ethnicity, a representation, roots or pride of where they're from. It could also be a lifestyle or type of personality. Yet it also goes as a differentiation in topography where there are more trees than parking meters. Or it could be my personal favorite.... a genre of music. To anyone living in Texas it is a goal :) Whatever it be, I think that everyone has some country about them.

Now for me, country is the priceless things in life. Let me explain. I have a tendency whenever it gets above sixty degrees to not wear a shirt that day. Weird right? I've always said: "Life is too short to wear a shirt." (I should put that on a t-shirt. Irony. Yep.) Now to clarify, I'm not "that guy" who takes off his shirt any chance he can get. You know the guy who always volunteers to be on the skins team in a pick up game of basketball. Don't get me wrong, I have the goods and confidence to do so, but this shirtless motto leads back to memories of what country means to me.

Stillframe memories are one of the many things that country is to me. Everytime I come upon some stress or pressure in life, I picture myself in a canoe (shirtless), country music blaring, drinking beer on a hot summer river in Missouri. Or sitting around a campfire with my buddies, country music blaring, drinking beer. Or playing country music on a dock (shirtless) soaking up the sun, drinking beer with my buddies. There is a trend here. These are the situations that drive my passions in life. Everyone has their own set of stillframes they can pull out of the memory drive. My personality is one of "quality time spent" so when I get caught up in the hustle of life, I go back to these simplicities that motivate my actions.

Now I've been known to spontaneously drive 7-8 hours one way for a weekend float trip. People say "you're crazy" and "is that worth it?" Well just so you understand my thought process. 20 years from now, I won't remember the gas money I spent or the time in the car. But I will remember how funny it was to see my buddies flip their canoe and the worry-free feeling of having no responsibilities for a few days. To cap this thought: Carpe Diem. It is only today's date for 24 hours. It's yours to make the most of.

On a random note, the difference between a country boy and a redneck: Rednecks want attention for their lifestyle (i.e. jeans that are too tight, wallets that are too big, wearing camoflauge inappropriately, dipping for the look, shopping constantly at Wal-Mart). Country boys (and girls) just do what they love like fishing, camping, or hunting to name a few. They seek no attention for their hobbies. There has been some confusion of this in the past. Let me know what you think.

New in my life: I have a new girlfriend. Her name is Bass Pro Shops. She's what I spend all my time and money on.

[Float trip: Floating on a river in a canoe or tube, cooler full of Bush Light, country music and then camping when it gets dark. If you are confused about this, post questions below]

Share your definition/perspective of country with the world via commenting below.

Keep smilin'